> I haven't tried this particular profile. The only thing I can think of is
> that you need to have some other command line parameter to allow maven to
> get your private (key) password.
> You cannot pass your password on the command line because anyone who does
> ps-ef can see your password in the plain. So it has to be some file or you
> type it into the maven command.
> It may be that you need to configure the nexus repository to do this.

I use the Maven release plugin to release DataNucleus and following the 
Sonatype guide(s) I ended up editing the users ".m2/settings.xml" with 
(something like)


and so I never have to enter the passphrase at release. HTH

DataNucleus (Web: http://www.datanucleus.org   Twitter: @datanucleus)

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