Hi Craig,

thanks for your reply!

Am 19.04.21 um 22:20 schrieb Craig Russell:
> Hi Marco,
>> On Apr 18, 2021, at 8:54 PM, Marco Nguitragool <ma...@nightlabs.de> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> please don't bow to this insanity of political correctness. Language control 
>> / dictates are an important corner stone of every dictatorship. I 
>> experienced this myself in the former Soviet east. I don't want to 
>> experience this again and decisively object it.
> Can you share some personal experience with renaming potentially offensive 
> terms to better welcome people to a project? 

I was actually talking about my experiences with the language control of the 
Soviets when I used to live in the GDR (the dictatorship existing in East 
Germany from 1949 until 1990).

IMHO there is nothing offensive in any term used in software development. The 
problem is solely in the people who *want* to be offended. Being offended is 
their purpose of life. In certain ways they are (like) trolls: Listening to 
them and reacting to them means feeding them.

Btw. concerning the term "master": I'm a Dive Master. If someone feels offended 
by this term, I'd rather not work with him, because he's soon going to cause 
more and more problems. These people never get satisfied -- not even when the 
core developers left and the project struggles or even fails -- then they go on 
and destroy the next project.

Most importantly at all: These people cannot contribute anything meaningful 
(like good code, for example), but instead they contribute only discord hidden 
in beautiful language.

Just take a look at Linus Torvalds. He's one of the greatest of us and even he 
was driven out of his project, the Linux Kernel. He returned -- but most great 
devs don't and the projects finally fail.

Some personal experience? I have none related to a software-project, because 
fortunately, none of my projects was hijacked by SJWs. But I do have personal 
experience of exactly the same thing in the analogue world: I was a member of 
the Pirate Party when it was newly founded. This Party had revolutionary ideas 
about making democracy far more democratic by using software tools. The concept 
was called Liquid Democracy.

The party was subverted by SJWs who drove out all the great nerds. They managed 
to get into control of the mailing-lists and other communication-channels and 
secretly censored out every communication that was about the actual goals of 
the party (more democracy). Of course, more and more people -- including me -- 
left and finally the party disappeared into the abyss of insignificance.

The same happened to many software-projects -- but I was fortunately not an 
active member of any of these and thus cannot tell any personal experience.

>> People accepting political correctness are followers of dictatorship -- 
>> leading to the worst chapters of history -- again.
> It's not clear what dictatorship has to do with renaming a Git branch. 
> Perhaps you can elaborate?

It's a very slippery road. As soon as you give in to the first of their 
demands, the next demands are following faster and faster, more and more 
intense. Very soon, all the great devs (who are often a bit nerdy) are driven 
away and only the non-productive SJWs are left. Then they leave and destroy the 
next project.

>> Always in history, not the evil wrong-doers are the main problem, but the 
>> followers bowing to them and (at least silently) supporting them!
> I'd say evil wrong-doers are the main problem. Do you have another experience?

Yes, I do have another experience. The wrong-doers are a very very small 
minority. They can never get into power without the support of a large group of 
followers and being tolerated by the (mostly silent) majority -- until they 
have enough power to force their way.

History is full of proofs -- just take a small subset:

The witch hunt. Of course, I have no personal experience as this was a few 
hundred years ago. But please read about it. Estimations reach from 40'000 to 
100'000 innocent people (mostly women, but also men) having been tortured and 
burnt alive (or otherwise killed barbarically).

The 3rd Reich. Not me personally, but my family. Please read Hanna Arendt -- 
she's far more eloquent than me.

The GDR. Here, I have far more than enough personal experience. If you made a 
bad joke in the presense of a wrong "friend", the Stasi came and fetched you -- 
interrogated you -- and if you were unlucky you went to prison for a long long 
time, where you often were tortured. We were enemies of the state until we were 
finally kicked out by the government (our freedom was most likely "purchased" 
by the FRG -- Western Germany).

Regards, Marco :-)

> Regards,
> Craig
>> Regards, Marco.
>> P.S.: I'm resending this e-mail. The last e-mail was lost (censorship?). 
>> Trying it again, now.
>> Am 17.04.21 um 02:41 schrieb Craig Russell:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'd like to have all of us come to the same understanding of renaming the 
>>> main branch of our repos.
>>> Here is some background reading to inform our decision.
>>> https://github.com/pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin/issues/113
>>> Let's have a discussion now and vote later.
>>> Regards,
>>> Craig
>>> Craig L Russell
>>> c...@apache.org
> Craig L Russell
> c...@apache.org

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