Just to let people know what kind of things it can do:

1. Introduces Global (all jobs in the system) & System (only root
actions) scoped credentials
2. Introduces per-user credentials (only available to the user that owns them)
3. (With enhancements to our folders plugin) Introduces per folder credentials

Some things we need to do before OSSing it involve finding a nice way
to integrate it into the git & subversion auth, so that this
credential store can be used in addition to the current (what I would
see as legacy) auth store(s)

Plugins depending on the cloudbees-credentials plugin can define their
own credentials types and those credentials types will be available
via the same API.

The API allows resolving credentials for a specific item and for a
specific authentication.

On 22 February 2012 17:02, Stephen Connolly
<stephen.alan.conno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually CloudBees have a credentials store plugin that we will be
> releasing OSS in the near future. That plugin should solve quite a few
> credentials management problems.
> On 22 February 2012 16:38, Daniel PETISME <daniel.peti...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> If Iunderstand the problem, it's all about sharing information betwwen
>> plugins, right? And what about centralize these information?
>> In fact, Romain Seguy already talk about a (not open-sourced yet) plugin we
>> have and may fit your needs.
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/jenkinsci-dev/baNWBRuThWE/QARWQE-b8KEJ
>> To centralize information (For instance, SSH connections details) we define
>> RESOURCES. This resource (a SSH Site for instance) will be your credentials
>> storage.
>> Some of our plugins, built upon this one, display the list of the available
>> resources (preventing user mistakes).
>> If you (or other) are interested by this plugin, we can release it.
>> Cheers
>> Daniel

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