Hi Jeremy,

  Not that I can help much but here’s some of my findings today…

 I’ve been using the HTML Publisher with success. Once I figured out
how Jenkins is displaying stuff per build run, what I was expecting to
get published per build run, did… Noting your particular problem, I
created a build run such that a build step would fail before and after
my HTML publish (and one that would fail afterwards) build step… each
time I still received the files I attached through HTML Publish… I’m
guessing the way I’m running thing’s is probably different then your
setup… But here’s a quick outline of my work flow..

        Build Steps

1)      Build kicks off, build-step to sync projects and build
2)      Build is complete, install packages created

        Post-Build Actions

1)      Take install package, farm off to some testing machine
2)      Install package and run Gallio unit tests (I have a custom Gallio
runner that will generate reports to an HTML file or save them to
zips).. so I’m not using the Jenkins Gallio plugin
3)      Publish my Gallio HTML report with the ‘Publish HTML reports’ plugin

The result is that each build successfully has its unit test run
report attached to the output which I can view from within Jenkins.
Keep in mind I’m not doing the Master-Slave work flow, that’s next…
But the HTML Reports plug-in is working with my given scenario. Not
sure if any of that will help you at all, but I thought I’d just share
it in case.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 12:16 PM, VanHaren, Jeremy
<jeremy.vanha...@csgi.com> wrote:
> I have a similar issue, the problem we found with the HTML publisher is that
> it doesn’t publish when the build fails.  Given that you probably want to
> look at the report when there is a failed unit test, we found it couldn’t be
> used.  It would be nice if there was an option to publish even on a failed
> build.  Ideally, we would be able to produce the html and the xml outputs,
> feed the xml into the Jenkins xUnit test results so that we have some of the
> nice tracking, but also publish the html report (even on failure)
> Anybody have any ideas?
> -Jeremy

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