JENKINS-40693 <> fix 
requires updating Jetty from 9.2.x to 9.4.x.
Such update does not seem to be safe and it also implies breaking changes 
(SPDY support has been removed). I would vote against backporting it.

Sorry that it is not explicit, I have dropped the ball on

BR, Oleg

среда, 7 июня 2017 г., 19:38:56 UTC+2 пользователь ogondza написал:
> Backporting is ready and RC will be pushed tomorrow morning UTC time.
> $ lts-candidate-stats 2.60.1
> Rejected:
>     JENKINS-40693        Minor        Fri, 26 May 2017 08:06:29 +0000
>         badMessage: 400 Bad Host header for HttpChannelOverHttp
> Fixed:
>     JENKINS-44120        Major        Fri, 19 May 2017 23:10:39 +0000
>         Git checkout hangs after update on 2.59
> Note the hiccups ATH was experiencing on master and now on stable branch 
> too are gone. (I have reconfigured both builds to use JDK 8 a while ago but 
> version 7 was hardcoded in the build script for some reason which is 
> something I have not noticed. ATH was broken in a way Jenkins log was not 
> preserved so it was not easy to find out without fixing the bug first.)

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