On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 12:50 PM Chris Kilding
<chris+jenk...@chriskilding.com> wrote:
> I have encountered the following solutions which seem relevant, but I know 
> very little about them:
> - Cloudbees RBAC plugin (commercial)

a.k.a. `nectar-rbac`

> - Role Strategy Plugin

Also allows roles to be defined and then mapped to groups of users. At
a high level, the main difference in design (as I understand it) is
that `role-strategy` centralizes configuration at the system level,
using pattern matching rules to make access control decisions; whereas
`nectar-rbac` is oriented towards folder-level configuration (usually
adding, but potentially also suppressing, permissions from the parent)
and supports delegating further decisions to a folder-level

More commonly used than either of these is the old `matrix-auth`,
which also got folder-level support a few years back, and has a
simpler configuration system (no concept of roles or synthetic

> - Jenkins permissions system

A pretty complicated topic, as I am sure the JEP-223 developers will
tell you! Very broadly, there is a `SecurityRealm` which defines
authenticated users (subjects); a set of `Permission`s which define
general operations (verbs); various `AccessControlled` objects such as
`Job`s; and an `AuthorizationStrategy` which is a factory for `ACL`s,
effectively granting or denying access to a given subject-verb-object

https://jenkins.io/doc/developer/security/ gives a brief overview. We
need more depth.

> thoughts on how we might add concepts of folders and credentials to them

As noted, folders are already well integrated with access control, and
the authorization plugins can support plugin-contributed permissions.

There are a couple of permissions already defined in the `credentials`
plugin but I have never fully understood how they are intended to be
used in context and I suspect few administrators have managed to set
this up meaningfully. There is generally a lack of a clear notion in
Jenkins of how builds, as opposed to directly user-initiated actions,
should be authenticated and authorized, and in particular how this
ought to interact with stored credentials. The `authorize-project`
plugin offers one approach but it is not a good UX.

The overall goal of the JEP draft—to decouple access control decisions
about credential use from the physical storage layer—makes sense for
at least some cases. I am not convinced it is the most natural way to
consume Kubernetes credentials, since K8s has a native RBAC system and
the `kubernetes` plugin can interact with namespaces and service
accounts, though the existing `kubernetes-credentials-provider`
basically treats K8s `Secret`s as a monolithic store (it assumes the
Jenkins master process has permission to read them all) so you do no
worse by using Jenkins ACL to make finer-grained decisions.

I hope the above helped. I realize there are more questions than
answers here: design options need to be explored.

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