On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 5:22 PM Basil Crow <m...@basilcrow.com> wrote:

> So should I look into the shading approach further?

That basically takes us back to the unfortunate state we were in with
Kohsuke’s series of shaded & repackaged ASM libraries, where we could not
give a clear answer as to what we were actually bundling, and security
scanners complained, etc. Not sure that is an improvement.

accomplish the shading by making a dedicated module for the shaded JAR, but
> I didn't quite follow the concept

Right, you sometimes get into trouble when you try to *use* the library
from the same Maven module that Shades it. Better to create a separate
module in the reactor which solely Shades the library, then depend on that
module from Stapler core.
https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker-traceability-plugin/pull/18 shows the

Another possibility is to write a minimal bytecode parser that just groks
the symbol table, list of methods with their binary signatures, and method
parameter metadata.

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