Hi everyone,

Some feedback the Jenkins security team received for code scanning was that
it is inconvenient to mark findings as false positives through the GitHub

Thanks to work by https://github.com/yaroslavafenkin the Jenkins Security
Scan now supports two different ways to suppress findings in code: using
comments or using a @SuppressWarnings annotation.

The detailed finding descriptions on the GitHub UI explain how to use these
to suppress specific findings (re-run the scan if needed to get an updated


On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 6:29 PM Daniel Beck <db...@cloudbees.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I've published the previously private[1] Jenkins code scanning rules for
> CodeQL. These are static analysis rules covering mostly Jenkins-specific
> issues, like unprotected Stapler web methods and use of APIs that are
> generally not a good idea in the context of Jenkins plugins.
> While this uses the CodeQL CLI and Java language support, the queries are
> entirely custom, so this is set up so it can run side-by-side with the
> normal GitHub CodeQL security scanner (or any other such tool), which would
> identify more generic issues.
> You can now enable them for your plugins by setting up a GitHub Workflow.
> For details about setting this up inside and outside the jenkinsci GitHub
> org, see the documentation on jenkins.io[2].
> The existing mechanisms to run this scan on plugin repos -- signing up
> through INFRA tickets and labeling repos with
> jenkins-security-scan-enabled[3] -- will be retired, so I recommend you set
> this up even if you already get scan results.
> Regards
> Daniel
> 1: https://www.jenkins.io/blog/2020/11/04/codeql/
> 2: https://www.jenkins.io/redirect/jenkins-security-scan
> 3: https://groups.google.com/g/jenkinsci-dev/c/xpsIgJJy44U/m/w-O0JbpTBgAJ

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