The Jenkins governance board meets at 6:00 PM UTC today.  Zoom URL is  


      Jenkins 2.387.2 released
      Prototype.js removal <> 
      has started
      More than 50 Google Summer of Code proposals received - 3x more than 
      last year
   Action Items
      EasyCLA to be documented by Oleg
         No progress, no requests pending, pick it up if there are CLA 
      Mark Waite submit pull request to combine subprojects and 
      SIGs into a single concept - “working groups”
         No progress, Mark to complete
         Roadmap update pull requests, make it current for April 12 CDF TOC 
      Retire the Chinese Jenkins site
         Chinese site link removed from header
         Rick recommends that we redirect the chinese pages to English 
         Kevin Martens (Docs Officer) tracking help desk ticket 
         <> to replace 
         the Chinese pages with redirects to the English pages
            Need a redirect from to 
      Mark Waite archive the governance meeting notes to a GitHub 
      repository, use the Google doc as the working document, then publish 
         Gavin has prepared the archive, need a destination repository
         See the infra help desk ticket 
         <> tracking 
         the discussion
         Alexander Brandes has something in mind on how to structure things.
         Infra team raised about the repository location as a question
         Oleg prefers jenkinsci rather than jenkins-infra for a governance 
         repository (this is not about the archive repository!)
            Mark check the infra team preference, discuss if not jenkinsci
      Mark Waite schedule retrospective on signing certificate renewal 
      process and its improvements
         Code signing certificate for MSI and WAR files
         PGP signing key for RPM and DEB files
   Budget and expenses
      Mark Waite spent $1536.00 USD for the Digicert code signing 
      certificate and wants to be reimbursed
         Receipt is in the board mailing list 
         along with a request for board approval of the reimbursement
         Current account balance 
         <> is 
         $10337, enough funds to cover the $1536 expense
         How to request reimbursement?
         Mark sent request to Fatih Digermenci of CDF and accounts payable 
         at Linux Foundation for more guidance
      Wadeck Follonier has been approved for $52.99 expense but not yet 
   CDF topics
      LFX insights working group met earlier today to discuss LFX metrics 
      used by the Jenkins project
         Discussions in the CDF working group repository 
         Detailed list of reports used by Mark Waite are in the DevStats 

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