Thanks John, that sounds like a good idea. I'll see what I can do by
way of archiving artifacts. So far, I had been thinking of artifacts
in term of pure build output (files, libraries, whatever), not as

On 23 Feb., 23:56, John Vacz <>
> On 23.02.2012 08:36, Sason wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > I'd like to set up two dependent build projects for the same software
> > product as follows:
> > - have a "quick" build run every time a developer commits changes,
> > i.e. using the SCM polling trigger. This will only be an incremental
> > build, followed by unit tests.
> > - run a scheduled full "nightly" build using the full test suite,
> > setup creation etc. once a day using the same SCM revision number as
> > the last successful/stable "quick" build (if there is one, and if that
> > revision number has increased since last time the "nightly" build
> > ran).
> > I wonder how this could be archived? My current understanding is that
> > it's hard to mix these two concepts in Jenkins. I know about the
> > Parameterized Trigger plugin which covers the "use the same SCM
> > revision number" requirement, but not the requirement of running only
> > once a day.
> > Thanks!
> I think you can use copy artifacts plugin. The quick build job write its
> revision number in a file, which is archived as artifact. The nightly
> job just copy the archived file from the latest stable build of the
> quick job, and begin to build the same revision number. The nightly job
> may have some logic to check whether the latest stable revision number
> has been built (again, this can be done by archiving artifact and copy
> artifacts plugin). Or this logic can be isolated in an intermediate job
> that checkes the stable revision number of the quick job and trigger the
> nightly build if necessary.

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