
I've been setting up a new Jenkins system at work.  However, the
Jenkins site has been down almost all the time since Thursday.  Does
anyone have any knowledge when it should be up and running again?

Specifically, the front page most often results in only a few lines of
text (sometimes rendering a partial page), almost all pages under
jenkins-ci.org are unaccessable (except the wiki and bug tracker,
which have worked without problems the whole time) and plugin
updates / installation does not work (http://updates.jenkins-ci.org/
update-center.json gives a 404).  The site worked for a short while on
Thursday and once when I polled it during the weekend, but now is down
again.  I've tested accessing it from three different networks in
Finland, so I don't believe its a network issue.

The site being down makes creating a new installation almost
impossible due to the inability to download / install plugins.  I
haven't seen any info or questions on such an outage, and I'd like to
know if anyone could give an estimate when it would be back to normal.


Best regards,
   Sampo Niskanen

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