
I'm still trying to resolve the issues of accessing the Jenkins site
through the proxy.  Our IT department has been looking at the proxies
and have found nothing wrong with them.  All other websites work
perfectly well.

Yesterday I investigated the issue further, and it seems that the
requests are randomly being sent either to the proper server or to the
Nexus server.  I've even received the Maven/Nexus server front page
when going to http://jenkins-ci.org/, where half of the CSS and image
files where coming from different servers.  This is evident from the
server response headers, see:  

Similarly when I go to http://ci.jenkins-ci.org/ half of the requests
go to the Jenkins server, half go to the Nexus server:

It seems that all of maven.jenkins-ci.org, jenkins-ci.org and
ci.jenkins-ci.org are using the same IP  For some reason
some of the requests through the proxy are being passed to the wrong
backend server.  Does anyone have any idea why this could be
happening, and why only through the proxy?  Who maintains the site,
and could they look at what is going wrong?  I can try to help debug
the issue as best I can.

I did find a workaround for the Jenkins setup, which is to point the
Jenkins update URL directly to a mirror site instead of the main
site.  However this is still causing pain when trying to do other
Jenkins related tasks.

And it seems that we're not the only ones with problems using the site
through a proxy:  

Best regards,
    Sampo N.

On Mar 29, 9:27 am, "Sampo N." <sampo.niska...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The problems continue.  Yesterday the update URL was working, this
> morning not.  Whatever way I access the URL from our company network
> (through our web proxy) I get a 404 with the error text:
> ----
> The server has not found anything matching the request URI
> You can get technical details here.
> Please continue your visit at our home page.
> ----
> From other networks without proxies it works and I get the redirect.
> Is the Jenkins update site doing something fancy/weird which is
> screwing up with web proxies?  I haven't had any problems like this on
> any other sites.  I found this other thread about the subject, which
> suggests it could be caused by the proxy or something fancy that Nexus
> is doing:
> http://jenkins.361315.n4.nabble.com/Jenkins-download-page-seems-to-be...
> Does anyone have ideas how to continue debugging this?  We cannot
> access the web without using the proxy, and this is really hindering
> our Jenkins setup.
> Best regards,
>     Sampo N.
> On Mar 28, 1:45 pm, "Sampo N." <sampo.niska...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > There's something weird going on with the site still.  This morning
> > everything was working fine, except Firefox which 
> > redirectedhttp://jenkins-ci.org/tohttp://jenkins-ci.org/index.html, which
> > gives a 404.  Clearing Firefox's cache solved the redirect issue (does
> > Firefox really cache redirects?) but a few hours later the redirect
> > started happening again.  Clearing the cache fixed it again.  I took a
> > screenshot of the state:  http://sampo.kapsi.fi/tmp/Screenshot.png
> > Alsohttp://updates.jenkins-ci.org/update-center.jsongaveme a 404
> > for a while, and then started working again.  I got the 404 also from
> > wget:
> > $ wget -Shttp://updates.jenkins-ci.org/update-center.json
> > --2012-03-28 13:30:46--  http://updates.jenkins-ci.org/update-center.json
> > Connecting to XXX.XX.99.10:8080... connected.
> > Proxy request sent, awaiting response...
> >   HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
> >   Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 10:30:46 GMT
> >   Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
> >   Server: Noelios-Restlet-Engine/1.1.6-SONATYPE-5348-V4
> >   Cache-Control: max-age=2592000
> >   Content-Length: 330
> >   Connection: close
> > 2012-03-28 13:30:46 ERROR 404: Not Found.
> > A minute or two later it's working fine again (producing a redirect to
> > a mirror site).  This is going through our company's proxies, but I
> > can't figure out how that would cause these issues.  Last week I got
> > the same results also from other networks without proxies.
> > Does anyone have knowledge how the site is set up and what might cause
> > this kind of sporadical failures?
> > Thanks.
> > Regards,
> >     Sampo Niskanen
> > On Mar 26, 11:20 pm, Sami Tikka <sjti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Nope, works for me too.
> > > -- Sami
> > > "Joshua J. Kugler" <jos...@azariah.com> kirjoitti 26.3.2012 kello 9.26:
> > > > For me, checking less than 10 minutes after your post, the site is up
> > > > and running.  Maybe Finland is having connection problems? :)
> > > > j
> > > > On Sunday, March 25, 2012, Sampo N. elucidated thus:
> > > >> Hi,
> > > >> I've been setting up a new Jenkins system at work.  However, the
> > > >> Jenkins site has been down almost all the time since Thursday.  Does
> > > >> anyone have any knowledge when it should be up and running again?
> > > >> Specifically, the front page most often results in only a few lines
> > > >> of text (sometimes rendering a partial page), almost all pages under
> > > >> jenkins-ci.org are unaccessable (except the wiki and bug tracker,
> > > >> which have worked without problems the whole time) and plugin
> > > >> updates / installation does not work (http://updates.jenkins-ci.org/
> > > >> update-center.json gives a 404).  The site worked for a short while
> > > >> on Thursday and once when I polled it during the weekend, but now is
> > > >> down again.  I've tested accessing it from three different networks
> > > >> in Finland, so I don't believe its a network issue.
> > > >> The site being down makes creating a new installation almost
> > > >> impossible due to the inability to download / install plugins.  I
> > > >> haven't seen any info or questions on such an outage, and I'd like to
> > > >> know if anyone could give an estimate when it would be back to
> > > >> normal.
> > > >> Thanks!
> > > >> Best regards,
> > > >>   Sampo Niskanen
> > > > --
> > > > Joshua J. Kugler - Fairbanks, Alaska
> > > > Azariah Enterprises - Programming and Website Design
> > > > jos...@azariah.com - Jabber: pedah...@gmail.com
> > > > PGP Key:http://pgp.mit.edu/ ID 0x73B13B6A

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