Not seen any updates. Does any one else have the same problem?

On Friday, 27 April 2012 13:40:45 UTC+1, Thomas Fields wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm using Jenkins 1.461 and ever since I enabled matrix based security I 
> keep getting logged out of Jenkins. Here's a typical sequence of events:
> 1) Open Jenkins
> 2) Click Configure to change project settings
> 3) Make some changes and click "Save", I then get:
> Status Code: 404
> Exception: 
> Stacktrace:
> (none)
> Generated by Winstone Servlet Engine v0.9.10 at Fri Apr 27 13:30:19 BST 
> 2012
> I load up Jenkins in another tab and I'm presented with:
> Welcome to Jenkins! Log in to create new jobs. If you don't already have 
> an account, you can sign-up now.
> I login and tick "Remember me on this computer". Then job configuration 
> saving works for 10 mins or so before logging me out again.
> I only seem to get this issue when I use Chrome 18.0.1025.162 m.
> Has anyone else seen this problem or know of a fix?
> Regards,
> Tom.

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