On 13 Giu, 15:35, "Mandeville, Rob" <rmandevi...@litle.com> wrote:
> Jenkins doesn't recognize "nice" because that's a Unix-only feature; I'm not 
> sure if there is an equivalent Windows feature.  Of course, if your steps are 
> shells, you can tell those to nice themselves.  You could also "nice" your 
> slave nodes when you launch them, if you do so by script.  Niceness is 
> inherited, so a slave node running at a given nice level will run jobs at 
> that same nice level.
> Jenkins itself tends to be rather light on the CPU, but it takes up 
> networking resources and disk I/O because it receives output from the jobs it 
> runs and logs them.  Idle slaves are light, and a slave in use only adds a 
> little overhead, mostly the network traffic of sending logs back to the 
> server.
> When you configure a job, it has an "Execute concurrent builds if necessary" 
> flag.  With that turned on, you can run more than one in parallel.
> If you want some jobs to be "nicer" than others on the same machine, you can 
> use the Jenkins Heavy Job Plugin.  Basically, while a normal job takes up one 
> executor (a node can have one or more executors, each capable of running a 
> job), a heavy job can take up multiple ones.  So if you have job A (an easy 
> one) and job B (a resource hog), you can tell Jenkins that Job B has a 
> "weight" of (say) 3.  If you had a node with four executors, this would mean:
> 1: Job B would not run until there are three free executors, so it would wait 
> until no more than one copy of job A was running
> 2: Job B would take up three executors, so when it was running, Jenkins would 
> put no more than one copy of job A on that node, and not another version of 
> job B (to run two job B's on the same node, you'd need at least six 
> executors).
> Hope this helps,
> --Rob

Hi Rob.
Thank you for your exaustive reply. Now I have a better idea of how
things work in jenkins. I have a couple of questions.
1) Do you know if the master executor will do the builds in a separate
process or inside the same process of the webapp?
2) I just realized we have a number crunching cluster here on a
different subnet.. what if I put a few executor there? What about the
communication between jenkins the executors? Ports, protocol, ecc..

Thank you again!

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