Hi everybody.

I wonder how heavy the build processes are on the cpu..

I set up a single machine offering many different services (also including
jenkins webapp) and I'm worrying a bit about overall performance when
jenkins will enter production stage.

Being a virtual machine, I will be able to add one virtual cpu if the load
will be too much.. but I wonder if it also possible to set some
configuration option so that the build processes are started with a high
nice value. Another option I can think of would be to start jenkins main
process with a nice value, but I don't know if that will be considered when
jenkins will span the build processes.

1) build processes can be run at a lower priority?
2) If yes, how?
3) build processes will be run one at a time or more than one in parallel?

Could anybody please cast some light on this?

Thank you and best regards.

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