Dear list,
I'm building some archetypes from projects, and i would deploy it to my

Actually i have a maven job with multi step maven build.

The first step:

goals : clean archetype:create-from-project

then (regardless to previous step):

goals: install
pom : target/generated-sources/archetype/pom.xml

this produces the archetype jar here:

So, after the artifactory deploy plugin (Jenkins Artifactory
should take care of deploy to the specified repository.
I just specified this:

Include Patterns **.jar, **.pom
(but I aldo tryed leaving that field blank)

The issue is this:
The artifact is deployed .. but the *.pom is not deployed and there is
no my-archetype.pom in artifactory.
This does not allow to eclipse to create the project from my-archetype.

"Could not resolve archetype
org.test.maven.archetype:my-archetype.jar:0.1.5 from any of the configured
Could not resolve artifact
Missing org.test.maven.archetype:my-archetype.jar:pom:0.1.5"

How can i configure the plugin to deploy also the *.pom file?

This issue caused me several troubles also with other projects, and i had
to abandon the usage of that plugin and use the maven deploy goal.

Thank you!

Jenkins version 1.466.1
artifactory version 2.6.3

regards Federico

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