Just glad it works :-)

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 10:08 AM, Martin <woofbe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Doh, yes there is.
> But I am 100% positive there was nothing listed there earlier - after
> installing it and restarting and not being able to see anything I looked in
> there.
> Well at least its there now. Thanks
> On Friday, November 30, 2012 8:18:03 AM UTC-8, Martin wrote:
>> I've installed the XCode plugin, however none of its options are
>> appearing in the configure page.
>> The XCode plugin user page says: "Just install the latest version of the
>> plugin from the update center and configure a freestyle job (see Usage
>> Guide<https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Xcode+Plugin#XcodePlugin-UsageGuide>)
>> that will use your OSX node (If your central instance isn't running under
>> OSX)."
>> I'm a newby to Jenkins and don't understand what this bit means: "...that
>> will use your OSX node".
>> There already is a node, called master which is already tied to my job.
>> Can I use this existing node? If so why are no XCode specific things appear
>> in the configure page?
>> If I have to create a new node then how should it differ from the
>> existing master node in order to permit me to use the XCode plugin?
>> (My build machine is an OS X)

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