I was in a slightly different situation (linux, slaves launched manually), but 
had the 403 as well. Fixed by going to Manage Jenkins --> Configure Global 
Security, and under  Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy I had to 
enable “connect” in the “slave” section, for user “Anonymous”.
Matthew Webber

From: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Chanda Unmack
Sent: 09 January 2013 19:18
To: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Null pointer exceptions after upgrade from 1.480.1 to 1.480.2

Spoke too soon apparently - as soon as I logged out of the slave, the 
connection was broken, so back to where I was before.
Any other ideas? I'm going to keep looking in case there is a jnlp hiding 
somewhere else on the system.


On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 11:04 AM, Chanda Unmack 
<cha...@lytro.com<mailto:cha...@lytro.com>> wrote:
Thanks for the pointer - sometimes it takes an external pair of eyes to see 
something so obvious :) I did read that advisory, and I thought I was deleting 
everything and or it was overwriting the *.jnlp. Unfortunately it looks as if 
it was merely adding copies, and not overwriting - found slave-agent[1].jnlp, 
slave-agent[2].jnlp.... sigh. In case anyone else runs into this, in my 
environment I found them in temporary internet files for the user launching the 
After removing all the slave-agent*.jnlp, deleting the service and copying the 
jar files over again, all is working as it was before the upgrade.

thanks again for the help!


On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Mark Waite 
<markwa...@yahoo.com<mailto:markwa...@yahoo.com>> wrote:
I think that message means that the technique which is launching the slaves as 
a windows service from the GUI is using JNLP.

The security advisory page on the wiki [1] says "Slaves that are started via 
Java Web Start will fail to reconnect if the *.jnlp file is locally stored. 
This is because the authentication tokens change. An administrator would have 
to login to the UI, retrieve the *.jnlp file and overwrite what's already on 
the slave. A slave that was launched via Java Web Start and then turned into a 
service through its menu falls into this category." (emphasis added).

I think that means you'll need to find some way to remove the JNLP file from 
your Windows machine where the service placed it, then download the JNLP again. 
 Unfortunately, I don't know how to remove the JNLP from Windows when running 
as a service.  Possibly, you could search for all JNLP files?

Mark Waite


On Monday, January 7, 2013 3:32:13 PM UTC-7, Chanda Unmack wrote:
I have the same issue after upgrading from 1.480.1 to 1.480.2 on Ubuntu 12.04. 
I am able to launch the windows slaves manually, but unable to have them run as 
a windows service from the gui. I am able to install it as a service from the 
command line, but the master never connects to the slave.  The only hint I have 
is if I try to run the command for a headless slave, then I get

java.io.IOException: Failed to load 
http://jenkins/computer/server-bld-pc1/slave-agent.jnlp: 403 Forbidden
        at hudson.remoting.Launcher.parseJnlpArguments(Launcher.java:238)
        at hudson.remoting.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:200)
        at hudson.remoting.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:173)

I'm obviously missing something here so any pointers greatly appreciated. I 
have removed all the jar, exe and xml files from the slaves several times, 
completely deleted the service from the slave, but no change in the behavior.


On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 11:17 AM, Richard Mortimer 
<ri...@oldelvet.org.uk<mailto:ri...@oldelvet.org.uk>> wrote:
Hi Mark,

On 07/01/2013 18:21, Mark Waite wrote:
I upgraded my Debian Jenkins LTS from 1.480.1 to 1.480.2 today using the
Debian package manager.  The machine was running with authentication
enabled and was using Debian, CentOS, Red Hat, and Windows slave agents.
  The Linux slave agents are launched with ssh.  The Windows slave
agents are launched with JNLP from a batch file on the Windows machines.

The upgrade seems to have blocked all connections from the Windows
(JNLP) slaves.  I assume that is intentional since I had authentication
enabled and 1.480.2 attempts to disallow unauthenticated slave agent
connections.  I resolved that by disabling authentication on the master
I believe that is a consequence of the changes made in 1.480.2. I haven't 
upgraded my Jenkins instance yet to see this but I read the following advisory 
earlier today and believe the change is related to that.




After the upgrade, I see some "Dead" entries in the list of slaves on
the left side of the Jenkins opening page.  When I click the red "Dead"
entry, it shows the following stack trace:

        at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:211)

Once I click through that "Dead" thread one or two times, the slave
agent seems to remain running without interruption.

Are those expected results that are part of the transition from 1.480.1
to 1.480.2?

Mark Waite


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