W dniu piątek, 8 listopada 2013 10:00:36 UTC+1 użytkownik maciej napisał:

>  tziele...@gmail.com <javascript:> (2013-11-08 08:41):
> Hi, 
>  Well I am simply not sure.
> I should precise that I meant screenshots made by me not others.
> As an engineer not a lawyer I want to make sure that screenshots 
> usage/presentation doesn't breach any Jenkins CI trademarks or content 
> copyrights.ďż˝
> I didn't find an explicit reference to this in MIT or other free Open 
> Sources licenses.
> Thank you for this point!

> If you are using it in an educational or internal presentation then you 
> can basically do whatever you want with whatever you find.
How do your perceive such an example case when one is providing a 
professional service to install Jenkins and prepare a documentation how to 
use it.
It is a commercial activity. Not a direct product sales but the delivery of 
the service which includes creation of the educational material about 
Jenkins usage.

> Quote from Polish law :-)
When using a particular software should one in first place consider it's 
country law or a law of a country of an entity which own rights to this 

> Art. 29.
> 1. *Wolno przytacza�* w utworach stanowi�cych samoistn� 
> ca�o�� *urywki *rozpowszechnionych utwor�w lub drobne utwory w 
> ca�o�ci, *w zakresie uzasadnionym wyja�nianiem, analiz� 
> krytyczn�, nauczaniem lub prawami gatunku tw�rczo�ci*.
>  In my uderstanding the above point includes both non-commercial and 
commercial usage, doesn't it?

> 2. Wolno w celach dydaktycznych i naukowych zamieszczaďż˝ rozpowszechnione 
> drobne utwory lub fragmenty wi�kszych utwor�w w podr�cznikach i 
> wypisach.
> 2^1. Wolno w celach dydaktycznych i naukowych zamieszczaďż˝ 
> rozpowszechnione drobne utwory lub fragmenty wi�kszych utwor�w w 
> antologiach.
> 3. W przypadkach, o kt�rych mowa w ust. 2 i 2^1, tw�rcy przys�uguje 
> prawo do wynagrodzenia.
> Yes, we do have fair use too.
> Pozdrowienia,
> Nux.

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