I can’t run the jobs in parallel because I’m resource limited on my Selenium 

They do *not* depend on each other sequentially.

The use case is that I need a group of jobs to run through to completion in 
succession, not parallel, but at the end, if at any point a job had failed, to 
fail the build…not ignore failures.  There is a guard/rescue for try/finally.  
Why not have a try/catch equivalent?  That’s basically what I need, I think.

On Jan 10, 2014, at 8:32 AM, nicolas de loof <nicolas.del...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This isn't supported at this time - I don't really get your use-case
> why can't you run those jobs in parallel ? If they actually depend on each 
> other sequentially, why not stop the flow when first one fails ?
> 2014/1/10 silver <pja...@gmail.com>
> Nicolas,
> Do you have a recommendation on how I can accomplish the goal at hand?  
> Otherwise, I see no other option but to try Marc's groovy script.
> Thanks.
> On Jan 10, 2014, at 2:51 AM, nicolas de loof <nicolas.del...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't recommend such a fully programmatic approach, build-flow is designed 
>> as a DSL, admittedly not constrained to just supported keywords (because I 
>> didn't know how to do this when I started this plugin) but clearly not 
>> supposed to be used to create such a groovy script.
>> 2014/1/10 Marc MacIntyre <marc...@purestorage.com>
>> You are overthinking it :)  The trick is to grab the return value from the 
>> build() call and check the result of that, then explicitly set the failure 
>> state of the buildflow.
>> This is what I'm doing; it's more solution than you need, but it solves your 
>> problem.  
>> This buildflow takes a map of jobs and the pass criteria, and fires 
>> everything off in parallel.  If you want to retry on failures, that's 
>> supported, and/or you can start several in parallel and pass if some portion 
>> of them pass.  We use job names as the map key, so if you want to start 
>> multiple runs of a particular job with different params, you'll need to 
>> modify the script somewhat.
>> def createBuildClosure(String jn, Map args, int retryCount = 0) {
>>     // This indirection is needed to force a clone of args, so it's out of 
>> scope and gets 
>>     // re-bound to the closure each time - otherwise jenkins will 
>> deduplicate our builds.
>>     def ags = args.clone()
>>     ags.put("_dedup", java.lang.System.nanoTime())
>>     if (retryCount) {
>>         return { retry(retryCount) {build(ags, jn)} }
>>     } else {
>>         return {build(ags, jn)}
>>     }
>> }
>> def startParallelRuns(Map buildsToRun) {
>>     def m = [:]
>>     buildsToRun.each {
>>         jobName, params  ->
>>             def maxFailures = params.get("maxFailures", 0)
>>             def retryCount = params.get("retryCount", 0)
>>             println "Running "+jobName+" "+params.count+" times (max 
>> failures "+maxFailures+")"
>>             for (int idx = 0; idx < params.count; idx++) {
>>                 m.put(jobName+"_"+idx, createBuildClosure(jobName, 
>> params.args, retryCount))
>>             }
>>     }
>>     ignore(FAILURE) {
>>         join = parallel(m)
>>     }
>>     results = [:]
>>     // process the results by job name
>>     buildsToRun.each {
>>         jobName, params  ->
>>             def passcount = 0
>>             def maxFailures = params.get("maxFailures", 0)
>>             for (int idx = 0; idx < params.count; idx++) {
>>                 run = join[jobName+"_"+idx]
>>                 if (run.result == SUCCESS) { passcount += 1}
>>             }
>>             result = (params.count - passcount) > maxFailures ? FAILURE : 
>>             println ""+result+": "+jobName+": "+passcount+"/"+params.count+" 
>> passed (Max failures: "+maxFailures+")"
>>             results[jobName] = result
>>     }
>>     return results
>> }
>> build_params = params.clone()
>> // Modify your build params here
>> build_params.put('UPSTREAM_JOB', build.project.name)
>> buildsToRun = [
>>   job1: [count: 1, maxFailures: 0, args: build_params, retryCount: 2],
>>   job2: [count: 1, maxFailures: 0, args: build_params],
>>   job3: [count: 1, maxFailures: 0, args: build_params],
>>   jobX: [count: 2, maxFailures: 0, args: build_params],
>>   jobY: [count: 1, maxFailures: 0, args: build_params],
>> ]
>> results = startParallelRuns(buildsToRun)
>> build.state.result = results.any { job, result -> result == FAILURE} ? 
>> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 8:22 PM, silver <pja...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry for any confusion.  The line: ”println(“There were “+FailuresPresent+" 
>> test(s) that failed”);" is outside of the if statement resulting in the 
>> example output at the end of this message.
>> On Jan 9, 2014, at 9:55 PM, silver <pja...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > When I run jobs in parallel, the Build Flow fails or passes as I’d expect. 
>> >  Example:
>> >
>> > parallel (
>> > { build(job1) },
>> > { build(job2) },
>> > { build(job3) },
>> > )
>> >
>> > All of the jobs are started and if they all pass, the Build Flow passes.  
>> > If one fails, the Build Flow fails.
>> >
>> > What I’d like to do is to run jobs sequentially, ignoring a failure *for 
>> > that moment* but at the end, fail or pass the Build Flow as a whole.  
>> > Using “ignore(FAILURE)" doesn’t give me what I want because it will ignore 
>> > a failure and pass the Build Flow regardless:
>> >
>> > ignore(FAILURE) {build(job1)}
>> > ignore(FAILURE) {build(job2)}
>> > ignore(FAILURE) {build(job3)}
>> >
>> > If they all fail, the Build Flow still passes because failures are 
>> > ignored.  But I really need ALL of the jobs to run no matter the outcome 
>> > of the other jobs, and the Build Flow to pass/fail, depending on each 
>> > outcome.
>> >
>> > Therefore, I have tried something like this (which I thought I got to 
>> > actually work at one point but I can’t get it to work again!?!  The 
>> > closest I can get is explained further down.):
>> >
>> > FailuresPresent = 0;
>> > try {
>> >  build(job1)
>> > }catch(e) {
>> >  FailuresPresent = FailuresPresent++;
>> > }
>> > try {
>> >  build(job2)
>> > }catch(e) {
>> >  FailuresPresent = FailuresPresent++;
>> > }
>> > try {
>> >  build(job3)
>> > }catch(e) {
>> >  FailuresPresent = FailuresPresent++;
>> > }
>> > if ( FailuresPresent>0) {
>> >  println(“There were “+FailuresPresent+" test(s) that failed”);
>> >  throw new Exception("FAILED!”);
>> > }else {
>> >  println "Tests PASSED!";
>> > }
>> >
>> > But the Build Flow will still stop immediately after a failed job (I don’t 
>> > see my println at the end).  If I use an ignore(FAILURE) wrapper, then the 
>> > “catch” is ignored and the Build Flow passes.
>> >
>> > I am not using guard/rescue because I don’t need the FailuresPresent to 
>> > increment every time, only when there is a failure (or do I?  Guard/Rescue 
>> > is like try/finally, not a try/catch.)
>> >
>> > None of my jobs are dependent on another, I just want them all grouped 
>> > together and to run sequentially in a single Build Flow if possible.  
>> > Running them in parallel maxes out my resources (not Jenkins but my 
>> > Selenium hub).
>> >
>> > If I wrap the above jobs in a parallel statement, it seems to gives the 
>> > appearance of it finishing to completion (my print statement at the end is 
>> > seen) but the Build Flow doesn’t run the other jobs.
>> >
>> > This is the output with the entire try/catch/builds wrapped in a parallel 
>> > statement (notice job2 and job3 aren’t run but my println at the end is 
>> > seen:
>> >
>> > parallel {
>> >    Schedule job job1
>> >    Build job1 #34 started
>> >    job1 #34 completed  : UNSTABLE
>> > }
>> > There were 0 test(s) that failed
>> > Tests PASSED!
>> >
>> > Suggestions?  I hope I’m over-thinking this.
>> >
>> > Thanks.
>> -- 
>> Marc MacIntyre
>> -- 
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