My 2 cents worth not being a Groovy programmer but I use the build flow.

You can call build like this :

A = build("buildA")

>From A you can get the status:

Aresult =

[] On Behalf Of Marc MacIntyre
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: Failing a Build Flow

That aside, I'm using this in production and it works well.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 9, 2014, at 11:51 PM, nicolas de loof 
<<>> wrote:
I don't recommend such a fully programmatic approach, build-flow is designed as 
a DSL, admittedly not constrained to just supported keywords (because I didn't 
know how to do this when I started this plugin) but clearly not supposed to be 
used to create such a groovy script.

2014/1/10 Marc MacIntyre 

You are overthinking it :)  The trick is to grab the return value from the 
build() call and check the result of that, then explicitly set the failure 
state of the buildflow.

This is what I'm doing; it's more solution than you need, but it solves your 

This buildflow takes a map of jobs and the pass criteria, and fires everything 
off in parallel.  If you want to retry on failures, that's supported, and/or 
you can start several in parallel and pass if some portion of them pass.  We 
use job names as the map key, so if you want to start multiple runs of a 
particular job with different params, you'll need to modify the script somewhat.

def createBuildClosure(String jn, Map args, int retryCount = 0) {
    // This indirection is needed to force a clone of args, so it's out of 
scope and gets
    // re-bound to the closure each time - otherwise jenkins will deduplicate 
our builds.
    def ags = args.clone()
    ags.put("_dedup", java.lang.System.nanoTime())
    if (retryCount) {
        return { retry(retryCount) {build(ags, jn)} }
    } else {
        return {build(ags, jn)}

def startParallelRuns(Map buildsToRun) {
    def m = [:]
    buildsToRun.each {
        jobName, params  ->
            def maxFailures = params.get("maxFailures", 0)
            def retryCount = params.get("retryCount", 0)
            println "Running "+jobName+" "+params.count+" times (max failures 
            for (int idx = 0; idx < params.count; idx++) {
                m.put(jobName+"_"+idx, createBuildClosure(jobName, params.args, 

    ignore(FAILURE) {
        join = parallel(m)

    results = [:]
    // process the results by job name
    buildsToRun.each {
        jobName, params  ->
            def passcount = 0
            def maxFailures = params.get("maxFailures", 0)
            for (int idx = 0; idx < params.count; idx++) {
                run = join[jobName+"_"+idx]
                if (run.result == SUCCESS) { passcount += 1}
            result = (params.count - passcount) > maxFailures ? FAILURE : 
            println ""+result+": "+jobName+": "+passcount+"/"+params.count+" 
passed (Max failures: "+maxFailures+")"
            results[jobName] = result
    return results

build_params = params.clone()

// Modify your build params here

buildsToRun = [
  job1: [count: 1, maxFailures: 0, args: build_params, retryCount: 2],
  job2: [count: 1, maxFailures: 0, args: build_params],
  job3: [count: 1, maxFailures: 0, args: build_params],
  jobX: [count: 2, maxFailures: 0, args: build_params],
  jobY: [count: 1, maxFailures: 0, args: build_params],

results = startParallelRuns(buildsToRun)
build.state.result = results.any { job, result -> result == FAILURE} ? FAILURE 

On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 8:22 PM, silver 
<<>> wrote:
Sorry for any confusion.  The line: "println("There were "+FailuresPresent+" 
test(s) that failed");" is outside of the if statement resulting in the example 
output at the end of this message.

On Jan 9, 2014, at 9:55 PM, silver <<>> 

> When I run jobs in parallel, the Build Flow fails or passes as I'd expect.  
> Example:
> parallel (
> { build(job1) },
> { build(job2) },
> { build(job3) },
> )
> All of the jobs are started and if they all pass, the Build Flow passes.  If 
> one fails, the Build Flow fails.
> What I'd like to do is to run jobs sequentially, ignoring a failure *for that 
> moment* but at the end, fail or pass the Build Flow as a whole.  Using 
> "ignore(FAILURE)" doesn't give me what I want because it will ignore a 
> failure and pass the Build Flow regardless:
> ignore(FAILURE) {build(job1)}
> ignore(FAILURE) {build(job2)}
> ignore(FAILURE) {build(job3)}
> If they all fail, the Build Flow still passes because failures are ignored.  
> But I really need ALL of the jobs to run no matter the outcome of the other 
> jobs, and the Build Flow to pass/fail, depending on each outcome.
> Therefore, I have tried something like this (which I thought I got to 
> actually work at one point but I can't get it to work again!?!  The closest I 
> can get is explained further down.):
> FailuresPresent = 0;
> try {
>  build(job1)
> }catch(e) {
>  FailuresPresent = FailuresPresent++;
> }
> try {
>  build(job2)
> }catch(e) {
>  FailuresPresent = FailuresPresent++;
> }
> try {
>  build(job3)
> }catch(e) {
>  FailuresPresent = FailuresPresent++;
> }
> if ( FailuresPresent>0) {
>  println("There were "+FailuresPresent+" test(s) that failed");
>  throw new Exception("FAILED!");
> }else {
>  println "Tests PASSED!";
> }
> But the Build Flow will still stop immediately after a failed job (I don't 
> see my println at the end).  If I use an ignore(FAILURE) wrapper, then the 
> "catch" is ignored and the Build Flow passes.
> I am not using guard/rescue because I don't need the FailuresPresent to 
> increment every time, only when there is a failure (or do I?  Guard/Rescue is 
> like try/finally, not a try/catch.)
> None of my jobs are dependent on another, I just want them all grouped 
> together and to run sequentially in a single Build Flow if possible.  Running 
> them in parallel maxes out my resources (not Jenkins but my Selenium hub).
> If I wrap the above jobs in a parallel statement, it seems to gives the 
> appearance of it finishing to completion (my print statement at the end is 
> seen) but the Build Flow doesn't run the other jobs.
> This is the output with the entire try/catch/builds wrapped in a parallel 
> statement (notice job2 and job3 aren't run but my println at the end is seen:
> parallel {
>    Schedule job job1
>    Build job1 #34 started
>    job1 #34 completed  : UNSTABLE
> }
> There were 0 test(s) that failed
> Tests PASSED!
> Suggestions?  I hope I'm over-thinking this.
> Thanks.

Marc MacIntyre
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