*"... somehow installed on my computer..."*
you could "somehow" uninstall jenkins...

On Thursday, January 30, 2014 5:41:59 AM UTC+1, Ed Jesus Preposterous wrote:
> I had never heard of Jenkins until today, until it was somehow added to my 
> computer. I never installed it, and I never visited the website until a 
> friend of mine found out what Jenkins was and sent me a link to it. the 
> reason I had to get a friend to do this for me is because Jenkins has 
> completely crippled my internet browsers! I use both Firefox and Google 
> Chrome, and whenever I try to use google or youtube, the page redirects 
> automatically to some Jenkins login page! I don't have a Jenkins account, 
> or whatever credentials it's asking for, but my computer is essentially 
> bricked because of this thing! I can only access websites by entering their 
> URLS into the address bar, and youtube doesn't work even if I do that. I 
> don't know the first thing about computers, I'm just an ignorant luddite 
> who suddenly found that their internet was hijacked by a something I've 
> never heard of! PLEASE for the love of god someone tell me how to get this 
> thing off of my computer forever!

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