Do you see the same behavior with git plugin 2.2.4?  A change was made in
git plugin 2.2.5 to fix JENKINS-22009.  There is now a bug report which
suggests that change has unintended side effects (see JENKINS-24322).  I
haven't yet had time to investigate if the fix for JENKINS-22009 introduced
the unintended side effect reported in JENKINS-24322, or if it was
something else.  I probably won't have time to investigate it until this
weekend (at the earliest).

You could help with that investigation by comparing the behavior of git
plugin 2.2.4 and git plugin 2.2.5 in your use case.  If the behavior is
significantly different, submit a bug report which describes those
differences, along with enough details so that I can duplicate the bug, and
that will increase the odds of the bug being fixed.  It may also provide
you a short term work around (if 2.2.4 behaves more the way you want).

Mark Waite

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Nicholas Paufler <> wrote:

> We're using Jenkins 1.575 with the GIT client (1.10.1), GIT (2.2.5), and
> GitHub (1.24) plugins (amongst others) but the issue seems to be related to
> those in some fashion.
> Specifically, we're using the Jenkins Build Per Branch script (
> to create Jenkins
> jobs for every branch in our github repo. That much works great - jobs are
> created and deleted as branches get added or removed. Each job has the
> specific branchname specified within.
> We then have a Github webook setup pointing at our Jenkins install to
> notify on pushes. That part is also working - but seemingly too well. Every
> time we get changes to one branch pushed into github, the webhook seems to
> be causing Jenkins to queue a build for every job.
> The Jenkins log shows events like the following for every local job.
> Aug 19, 2014 9:48:22 PM FINE com.cloudbees.jenkins.GitHubWebHook
> Considering to poke <jobname-based-on-branchname>
> Aug 19, 2014 9:48:22 PM INFO com.cloudbees.jenkins.GitHubWebHook 
> processGitHubPayload
> Poked <jobname-based-on-branchname>
> We see that for everything, even for branches that haven't seen a commit in 
> months.
> We do have a single Jenkins master and a number of slaves (using swarm
> slave). All jobs are configured to clean their workspace after they are
> done executing.
> Am I misunderstanding how this is supposed to be working, or is there
> likely something I have configured incorrectly?
> Any help would be appreciated - thanks!
> Nicholas
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Mark Waite

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