
I was able to resolve this by using {workspace}@script to access the files 
in the workspace.
But I would like to understand the reason behind having files in 
{workspace}@script rather than {workspace} ...

On Wednesday, 8 February 2017 15:51:09 UTC+5:30, Sharan Basappa wrote:

> Some updates from the experiments I tried out. I directly logged into the 
> Linux machine where Jenkins is installed.
> I cd'ed into the workspace and listed the files. My scripts are not listed.
> I also found additional directories with @scripts suffix to the 
> directories.
> There the files are listed. Please see the transcript below. I am lost now 
> ...
> [root@hd1 workspace]# ls 
> [root@hd1 workspace]#
> [root@hd1 workspace]# ls 
>  dir1  Jenkinsfile  Just_Checking  
> simple.csh  source.csh
> [root@hd1 workspace]# ls 
>  dir1  Jenkinsfile  Just_Checking  
> simple.csh  source.csh
> [root@hd1 workspace]# ls 
> Jenkinsfile  Just_Checking  simple.csh  temp
> On Wednesday, 8 February 2017 07:54:45 UTC+5:30, Sharan Basappa wrote:
>> If you see the sequence of commands, you will notice that I have used pwd.
>> Let me list files and see if I can find anything
>> On Wednesday, 8 February 2017 02:09:54 UTC+5:30, David Karr wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at 10:15:06 AM UTC-8, Sharan Basappa wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I am having some trouble executing basic shell commands (highlighted in 
>>>> red). I cant figure out the issue. Need some help. This is what I get:
>>>> Branch indexing
>>>> > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
>>>> Setting origin to git@hd1:testing
>>>> > git config remote.origin.url git@hd1:testing # timeout=10
>>>> Fetching origin...
>>>> Fetching upstream changes from origin
>>>> > git --version # timeout=10
>>>> > git fetch --tags --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
>>>> Seen branch in repository origin/master
>>>> Seen branch in repository origin/test
>>>> Seen branch in repository origin/test1
>>>> Seen branch in repository origin/testx
>>>> Seen 4 remote branches
>>>> > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
>>>> Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
>>>> > git config remote.origin.url git@hd1:testing # timeout=10
>>>> Fetching upstream changes from git@hd1:testing
>>>> > git --version # timeout=10
>>>> > git fetch --tags --progress git@hd1:testing 
>>>> +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
>>>> Checking out Revision eb966a50720c888113925000ad9179c79b1c187b (test1)
>>>> > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
>>>> > git checkout -f eb966a50720c888113925000ad9179c79b1c187b
>>>> > git rev-list eb966a50720c888113925000ad9179c79b1c187b # timeout=10
>>>> [Pipeline] stage (build)
>>>> Using the ‘stage’ step without a block argument is deprecated
>>>> Entering stage build
>>>> Proceeding
>>>> [Pipeline] node
>>>> Running on master in 
>>>> /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/an_example_test1-24PKZ6E7JM3ZFPAWUPX5ZXTQQLVB7HDDUSAFFRMP6IX3XZERQFTA
>>>> [Pipeline] {
>>>> [Pipeline] sh
>>>> Running shell script
>>>> + pwd
>>>> /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/an_example_test1-24PKZ6E7JM3ZFPAWUPX5ZXTQQLVB7HDDUSAFFRMP6IX3XZERQFTA
>>>> [Pipeline] sh
>>>> Running shell script
>>>> + cat simple.csh
>>>> *cat: simple.csh: No such file or directory*
>>> When I run into issues like this, I often will run "sh('pwd')" and 
>>> "sh('ls')" in the script, to verify exactly where I think I am, and what 
>>> else is in the directory. The output from those should help.
>>>> [Pipeline] }
>>>> [Pipeline] // node
>>>> [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
>>>> ERROR: script returned exit code 1
>>>> Finished: FAILURE

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