
I have created a simple pipeline job that is intended just to check out a 
working copy from svn initially.

Here's the script:

node {
   echo 'Hello World'
   stage('Checkout') {
      checkout([$class: 'SubversionSCM', 
          additionalCredentials: [], 
          excludedCommitMessages: '', 
          excludedRegions: '', 
          excludedRevprop: '', 
          excludedUsers: 'buildbot', 
          filterChangelog: false, 
          ignoreDirPropChanges: false, 
          includedRegions: '', 
          locations: [[credentialsId: 'b86bc2b6-994b-4811-ac98-0f35e9a9b114', 
                               depthOption: 'infinity', 
                               ignoreExternalsOption: true, 
                               local: '.', 
                               remote: "<snip>"]],
          workspaceUpdater: [$class: 'UpdateUpdater']])

Is the script valid?

How do I determine the 'credentialsId' ?   (I have credentials set up in 
non-pipeline jobs already).

Best regards


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