I used a script similar to this one to modify a job via the script console 
(http://[my_jenkins_url]/script ):

import hudson.triggers.*

midnightTrigger = new TimerTrigger("* * * * *")

job = Jenkins.instance.getItem("some jenkins job")
job.addTrigger( midnightTrigger )

for( trigger in vortexJob.triggers.values() ) {
  println( trigger )
  println( trigger.spec )


For the sake of this example, I set it to run every minute.  The output is 
as expected:

* * * * *

However, the job does not run every minute.  If I view the job via the web 
interface, I see that the job is scheduled to run every minute, but it simply 
does not run.  If I save using the web interface, then the job does run every 

Any idea why?

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