On Monday, December 5, 2022 at 10:29:49 AM UTC-7 Madhu Muchukota wrote:

> Thanks Ivan and Dirk.
> My java version was jdk-11.0.16+8 and I updated this to the latest one in 
> JAVA 11 this morning which is jdk-11.0.17+8 and I still see the same error.
> Tomcat is of version
> Jenkins is of version 2.375.1
The message that you're seeing indicates that the Java process was killed 
by the operating system when the Java process performed an unsafe operation 
(buffer overflow).  The Java virtual machine works very hard to prevent 
Java programs from being able to perform unsafe operations.  There are some 
areas where Java allows unsafe operations (Java Native Interface, Java 
Native Runtime project <https://github.com/jnr>), but those are exceptional 
cases.  In almost all cases, buffer overflow failures should not happen in 
a Linux Java process.

If you can provide instructions so that others can duplicate the problem, 
the OpenJDK team and others are likely very interested in the conditions 
that cause the failure.

If your goal is to avoid the issue rather than investigate why it is 
failing, you might try running Jenkins without Tomcat.  If that still shows 
the issue, then you might try bisecting your most recent plugin updates to 
see if one of the recent plugin updates is associated with the change of 

A process killed by buffer overflow is very rare in the Jenkins world and 
in the Java world.

Mark Waite

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