I know, I know -- rtfm.

I HAVE. I don't see it.

This problem probably doesn't need the scrutiny of Dr.
Friedman-Hill, but...

 I am completely mystified by whatever I am doing

If anyone could be so kind as to degne to share a few
pearls with me, they will undoubledly attain much good

Jess> (batch AVIS\\avis-proto.clp)
Jess reported an error in routine ValueVector.get
        while executing (batch
        while executing (batch AVIS\avis-proto.clp).
  Message: Bad index -3 in call to get() on this
vector:  (name nil -1 loc nil -1 s
1 days-required nil -1 rate-type nil -1 res-num nil -1
car-group-name nil -1).
  Program text: ( batch AVIS\avis-proto.clp )  at line
        at jess.ValueVector.get(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Deftemplate.getSlotType(Unknown
        at jess.Jesp.a(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Jesp.int(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Jesp.case(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Jesp.do(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Jesp.char(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Jesp.parse(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Batch.batch(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Batch.call(Unknown Source)
        at jess.d2.a(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Funcall.execute(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Jesp.a(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Jesp.char(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Jesp.parse(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Batch.batch(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Batch.call(Unknown Source)
        at jess.d2.a(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Funcall.execute(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Jesp.a(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Jesp.char(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Jesp.parse(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Main.execute(Unknown Source)
        at jess.Main.main(Unknown Source)

rules.clp file attached.



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;;;   JESS Rules Prototype for EU-Rental Corporation
;; attribute used to find daily rate
(deftemplate find 
  (slot daily-rate)
;; attribute used to compute one way trip
(deftemplate owt  
  (slot miles-driven)

;; attribute used to represent a car group 
(deftemplate car-group-item
  (slot car-group-name)
  (slot description)
  (slot daily-rate)
  (slot three-day-rate)
  (slot FL-daily-rate)
  (slot FL-three-day-rate)
  (slot mileage-limit)

;; reservation attribute
(deftemplate reservation
  (slot name)
  (slot loc)
  (slot start-date)
  (slot wizard)
  (slot corp-account)
  (slot days-required)
  (slot rate-type)
  (slot res-num)
  (slot car-group-name)
 ;; check out object
(deftemplate checkout
  (slot res-num)
  (slot car-group-name)
  (slot date)
  (slot check-out-loc)
  (slot mileage)
  (multislot equip)

;; checkin object
(deftemplate checkin
  (slot res-num)
  (slot car-group-name)
  (slot date)
  (slot check-in-loc)
  (slot mileage)
  (multislot equip)

;; location attribute
(deftemplate location-item
  (slot loc-prefix)
  (slot loc-special-charges))

(deftemplate misc-charges-item
  (slot item-name)
  (slot daily-rate)
  (slot usage-mins)
  (slot monthly-rate))

(deftemplate one-way-trip-row
  (slot band)
  (slot s-distance )
  (slot e-distance )
  (slot per-mile-charge)
  (slot additional-charge)

(deftemplate product
  (slot product-name)
  (slot product-type)
  (slot product-description)
(deffacts control-information 
  (phase reservation)
  (phase-after reservation checkout)
  (phase-after checkout checkin)
  (phase-after checkin reservation)
(deffacts current-day
  (current-date 06-12-2001)
(deffacts person-at-counter
  (current-name EMMcConnell)
(deffacts OWT-Schedule "Charge Schedule for Unscheduled One-Way Trip "
    (band A) 
    (s-distance 0 ) 
    (e-distance 100 )
    (per-mile-charge 0.25) 
    (additional-charge 50.0)
    (band B) 
    (s-distance 101)
    (e-distance 300)
    (per-mile-charge 0.5)
    (additional-charge 200.0))
    (band C)
    (s-distance 301)
    (e-distance 2000)
    (per-mile-charge 0.75)
    (additional-charge 1500))
    (band D)
    (s-distance 2001)
    (e-distance 100000)
    (per-mile-charge 1.50)
    (additional-charge 2000)))

(deffacts car-group-rates
      (car-group-name                B)
      (description                   "Compact" )
      (daily-rate                    51.38)
      (three-day-rate                50.38)
      (FL-daily-rate                 49.13)
      (FL-three-day-rate             48.13)
      (mileage-limit                 nil)
      (car-group-name                C)
      (description                   "intermediate")
      (daily-rate                    54.38  )
      (three-day-rate                53.38  )
      (FL-daily-rate                 52.13 )
      (FL-three-day-rate             48.13)
      (mileage-limit                 nil)
      (car-group-name                D)
      (description                   "full-size 2dr")
      (daily-rate                    55.88 )
      (three-day-rate                54.88 )
      (FL-daily-rate                 53.63 )
      (FL-three-day-rate             48.13 )
      (mileage-limit                 nil)
      (car-group-name                 E)
      (description                    "full-size 4dr")
      (daily-rate                     55.88 )
      (three-day-rate                 54.88 )
      (FL-daily-rate                  53.63 )
      (FL-three-day-rate              48.13 )
      (mileage-limit                  nil)
      (car-group-name                 G)
      (description                    "Premium")
      (daily-rate                     63.38 )
      (three-day-rate                 62.88 )
      (FL-daily-rate                  61.13 )
      (FL-three-day-rate              48.13 )
      (mileage-limit                  nil)
      (car-group-name                 H)
      (description                    "Luxury")
      (daily-rate                     68.63 )
      (three-day-rate                 62.38 )
      (FL-daily-rate                  66.38 )
      (FL-three-day-rate              48.13 )
      (mileage-limit                  100)
      (car-group-name                 V)
      (description                    "Mini-van")
      (daily-rate                     73.13 )
      (three-day-rate                 67.63 )
      (FL-daily-rate                  70.88 )
      (FL-three-day-rate              48.13 )
      (mileage-limit                  100)
      (car-group-name                 W)
      (description                    "SUV-4wd")
      (daily-rate                     73.13 )
      (three-day-rate                 67.63 )
      (FL-daily-rate                  70.88 )
      (FL-three-day-rate              48.13 )
      (mileage-limit                  100)
       ;; Initialize reservation rule
           (defrule rule1_InitReservation
             ?r1 <- (reservation (car-group-name ?car-group-name) (days-required 
               (and (<= 4 ?days-required  ) 
                    (<= ?days-required 30 ))
               (modify (reservation ( ?rate-type weekly)))
             (if (<= 30 ?days-required)
              (modify (reservation (?rate-type monthly)))
             (bind (?cgn ?car-group-name) (?dr ?days-required))
             (retract ?r1)
             (retract ?phase)
             (assert (reservation (car-group-name ?cgn) (days-required ?dr) (rate-type 
             (assert (phase checkout))
           ;------End of Rule ----------------------
           ;; Move from reservation state to checkout state  
           (defrule rule2_ReservationToCheckout
             (current-name ?current-name)
             (reservation (start-date ?start-date)(days-requested ?days-requested) 
(name ?name) (loc ?loc) (rate-type ?rate-type))
             (test (eq (?name ?current-name)))
             (if (and (>= (?days-requested 4))
                      (<  (?days-requested 30)))
                (bind ?rate-type weekly)
             (if (>= (?days-requested 30))
                (bind ?rate-type monthly)
             (modify start-date ?current-date)
           ;------End of Rule ----------------------
           ;; Compute rate at checkout time
           (defrule rule3_ComputeCheckoutDailyRate
              (reservation (rate-type ?rate-type) (car-group-name ?car-group-name))
                (car-group-name ?car-group-name) 
                (daily-rate ?daily-rate)
               (if (eq (?rate-type weekly))
                 (bind daily-rate (/ (* ?daily-rate 5.75) 7))
                 (if (eq (?rate-type monthly))
                   (bind daily-rate (/ (* ?daily-rate 25.5) 30))
           ;------End of Rule ----------------------
        ;; Find Daily Rate rule
        (defrule rule4_FindDailyRate
          (find (daily-rate ?daily-rate))
          (car-group-item (car-group-name ?car-group-name) (daily-rate ?daily-rate))
          (printout t " car-group: " ?car-group-name " a(n) " ?description " has a 
daily rate of: " ?daily-rate crlf)
        ;------End of Rule ----------------------
        ;; Calculate One Way Charges Rule
        (defrule rule4_CalculateOneWayTripCharges
          (owt (miles-driven ?miles-driven))
          (one-way-trip-row (s-distance ?s-distance)  (e-distance ?e-distance) 
(per-mile-charge ?per-mile-charge) (additional-charge ?additional-charge))
          (test (and (<= ?s-distance ?miles-driven) (<= ?miles-driven ?e-distance)))
          (bind ?owt-charges  (+ (* ?miles-driven ?per-mile-charge) 
          (printout t "Unscheduled One-Way Trip charges are: $" ?owt-charges  "." crlf 
" (Charge Breakdown:" crlf " Per-Mile-Charge: $" ?per-mile-charge crlf " Additional 
charges: $" ?additional-charge ")" crlf)
          (assert (one-way-trip-charges ?owt-charges))
        ;------End of Rule ----------------------
        ;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------

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