I think situated Logic is just mean for that. In situated logic one can attach external methods to a predicate. so that whenever the predicates are asserted it will in turn invoke methods associated with it.

Situated logic is fairly generic . But it can be customized to a particular system like Jess. RuleML has  a flavor called RuleML with Situated logic which could be used for this.

But Situated logic is not just restricted to RuleML .Its a fairly generic concept that would be used for any other encoding.

Thank you.


Mahesh Gandhe.


I think Wendy Liu wrote:
> >I'm interested in
> >rule right-hand-sides as well as left-hand sides; most of the XML rule
> >languages are very oriented towards classical production systems in
> >which RHSs can do nothing but assert/retract/modify;
> >
> Ernest,
> That is an interesting point. Can you give some examples or details of
> what other types of RHS actions you have in mind?

Well, many rule engines (Jess included) have a complete procedural
language you can use on rule RHSs. At the very least you need the
ability to call a single function from the RHS, supplying arguments
based on matched patterns from the LHS -- otherwise to do any real
work you need "meta-programs," not describeable by the rule language
itself, which watch for specific fac! ts to appear and act on them. In
Jess these meta-programs can be implemented directly in the rule
language, but in a clasical production system they're part of the
"glue code" that links the PS to the outside world.

DAML, which is specifically based on the idea of representing
knowledge so that inferences can be made without any outside
meta-knowledge, is good and useful, but it does require these
meta-programs as well to put the knowledge to use.

In Mandarax, which is a Prolog-like backward chaining rule engine that
is often used with RuleML, you program more or less procedurally by
first querying the knowledge base to get a result set, then acting on
it. Here you write the "meta-program" in Java, and the rules in

Ernest Friedman-Hill
Distributed Systems Research Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs FAX: (925) 294-2234
Org. 8920, MS! 9012 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 969 http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov
Livermore, CA 94550

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