
To try and find out what is happening with my endless loop (previous post),
I turned on the trace of the activations.

I do see this:

++++ Will fire: OrmedScript@5fbb66
<== Activation: MAIN::component2 :  f-1
==> Activation: MAIN::component2 :  f-1
==> Activation: MAIN::ASP1 :  f-1, f-3
++++ Did fire: OrmedScript@5fbb66

The will fire and did fire is just before and after a property change
notification in OrmedContext.

However the property being changed is selectedScript and is NOT matched in
the following rule:

(defrule ASP1
        (readyToRun TRUE)
        (task "script")
        (OBJECT ?c)
        (ormedContext ?c)
        (key "ASP")

So this leads to the following questions:

1. What do the <== and ==> mean in the trace?
2. What is f-1, etc... (functions?)
3. Would the rule fire again if a property changes in OrmedContext even if
the property is not used in the rule (as you can see in my example)?



Alexander Lamb 
Groupe Serveurs Applicatifs
Division d'Informatique Midicale
Htpitaux Universitaires de Genhve
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