On Wednesday 02 April 2003 15:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I think Xavier Noria wrote:
> > I'm reading Jess' manual to get an idea about how it works and
> > whether it would be of interest in an agent-based simulation we are
> > developing.
> You could also do a web search on "JADE and Jess" as many people have
> already used Jess with that popular agent framework.

We are using RePast but I'll check it, maybe I learn things that do not 
depend on the framework.

> > We are writing a prototype in Java, the idea is that Jess would be
> > used to implement part of the behavior of agents somehow.
> > Everything is new for me and don't see clearly if one can program
> > this way:
> >
> >     Market music = new Market();
> >     // code that fills market with products, participants, etc.
> >
> >     Consumer consumer = new Consumer();
> >     consumer.setIncome(1500);
> >
> > Now fire a Jess rule on those instances like this
> >
> >     if consumer's income is > 1200 then invoke
> >     invoke consumer.buyInMarket(music)
> You have lots of choices for implementing this, but one version of
> this, making liberal assumptions, might look something like
> (bind ?consumer (new Consumer))
> (?consumer setIncome 1500)
> (defclass consumer Consumer)

I've seen examples like this in the manual, but unless I am wrong a new 
instance of the class Consumer is being created there, isn't it? The 
situation would be that objects _created in the Java-side of the 
application_ would be "used" in the rules, that includes method calls. 
In my example external objects were consumer and market.

Since I don't know whether this is relevant, let's add the complexity 
that we are iterating over a collection of consumer agents in the Java 
code and firing that rule in each iteration. Could the corresponding 
Jess variables be instantiated with each corresponding JavaBean in each 

-- fxn

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