Title: RE: JESS: Re: Charlemagne engine preview

>> Also, is there any pre-release documentation on the use of the
>> "single-slot-activation" feature?
>Download the software, and look in the release notes from the manual:
>  The "slot-specific" declaration for templates.  Deftemplate
>  definitions can now include a "declare" section just as defrules
>  can. There are several different properties that can be declared. One
>  is "slot-specific". A template with this declaration will be matched
>  in a special way: if a fact, created from such a template, which
>  matches the left-hand-side of a rule is modified, the result depends
>  on whether the modified slot is named in the pattern used to match the
>  fact. As an example, consider the following:

So how does this work for defclass? Can we supply a declare section in the defclass and it will be propagated to the generated deftemplate or do we need to create another deftemplate that extends the defclass?


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