Hi Kimos:

I'm learning Jess, too!
One thing that I do to avoid errors with (Rete) executeCommmand() is to
build a command string first.
This way I can do a "sanity check" on its components before using it in

A StringBuffer works nicely... for example:

Rete engine = new Rete();
StringBuffer cmd = new StringBuffer();
cmd.append("(assert ");
cmd.append(getString());        //A call to your other method somewhere - returns a
fact head at least I assume

A bit more code, but for some complex commands, it pays off.

However, if you are wanting a fact asserted from your getstring() method,
you don't need to use executeCommand().
Just use the (Rete) engine.assertString() method.

Rete engine = new Rete();
engine.assertString(getstring());  //Again, whatever you return from
getstring() better be at least "(fact-head)"

Hope this helps!


Jason Morris
Morris Technical Solutions
fax/phone: 503.692.1088

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 2:32 AM
> Subject: JESS: calling an integer or a string
> hi there,
> first i want to thanks Ernest Friedman-Hill for helping me and
> everyone in the
> mailing list. you are a great help.
> ok here is my quastion:
> i have an string  and i want to call it in the assert while
> executioncommand
> r.executeCommand("(assert (i-have-moved))");  << this is what i
> have and i want
> it
> r.executeCommand("(assert (getstring()))");
> its simple quastion i hope. i readed the doc's but it didnt helped
> i think its something with call  but im a newbie
> thanks alot
> Kimos
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