Thanks for the reply.
Firstly, I have the getter and setter for bean properties.
Secondly, In (demandPool (demands $?first ?demand&:(eq (get-member ?demand) "x") $?rest))
 what does it mean by $?first and $?rest? Does it mean it will iterate starting from first to the end?
Thirdy, in
(demandPool (types ?t1 ?t2 $?more))
what does it mean by patterns types ?t1 ?t2 does it mean it will match those patterns of types 1 2 or 2 1 or 1 3 etc? What does it mean by $?more? Does it mean 1 2 3 etc patterns?
Is there any documentation about $?more , $?first $?rest, $?length etc  any where?
Fourthly,if I want to bind the matching demand/s how can I do that?
Is it like 
(demandPool (demands $?first (bind ?matchedDemand (?demand&:(eq (get-member ?demand) "x") )$?rest))

I think bhaskar yallala wrote:
> class DeandPool{
> int[] types;
> Demand[] demands;
> }

First of all, defclasses turn JavaBean properties -- not member
variables -- into template slots. You'll need "int[] getTypes()" and
"Demand[] getDemands()" (and perhaps the equivalent setter methods,
too) before these will show up as slots.
> (defrule checkPool
> (demandPool (types $?types)(demands $?demands)(OBJECT ?demandPool))
> I want to write rule where on LHS, fire rule only if type is > 2..

"?type" (or ?types, you've written both) is a list, and so can't be
compared to a number. If you want to compare the length of this list
then you could write

(demandPool (types $?types&:(> (length$ ?types) 2)))

Although the be! st way to do it is to write a pattern that matches only
when there are two or more types, like

(demandPool (types ?t1 ?t2 $?more))

> And also I want to write a rule where demand.type="x", then only fire.

When this is true for at least one Demand object in the demands slot?
You could write something like

 (demandPool (demands $?first ?demand&:(eq (get-member ?demand) "x") $?rest))

Ernest Friedman-Hill
Science and Engineering PSEs Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs FAX: (925) 294-2234
Livermore, CA 94550

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