Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie to Jess and rule based systems in general, and I have a few questions which hopefully you can help me with. I'm working in this project where we have sensor nodes deployed at riverbanks and we receive sensor data like depth of river and various other elements. We're interested in the adaptive sampling aspect whereby the sensors talk to each other and influence the sampling regime. I have a short list of questions which hopefully you can help me with :)
  1. I've done some reading about Jess and it looks like it's powerful enough to express the sort of rules we need in this project. For example, what the sensors should do when the river depth goes about a certain level and stuff like that. However, I haven't actually used Jess yet so is Jess really powerful enough to do so? I know it's a pretty vague question but bear with me pls!
  2. This is a pervasive computing project so system and resource requirements is vitally important. Could someone tell me what the system requirements are for Jess?
  3. My final question is how easily can Jess couple into Java? For example, how easily can we bring sensor reading through into Jess to refer to in the rules?
I would really appreciate your help in this. Thank you and have a good day.
Sanjay Vivek
IAM Research Group
Department of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ 
United Kingdom
Lab: 023 8059 4490 (Internal ex: 24490)

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