I've done some reading about Jess and it looks like it's powerful enough
to express the sort of rules we need in this project. For example, what
the sensors should do when the river depth goes about a certain level
and stuff like that. However, I haven't actually used Jess yet so is
Jess really powerful enough to do so?


I know it's a pretty vague question but bear with me pls! This is a
pervasive computing project so system and resource requirements is
vitally important. Could someone tell me what the system requirements
are for Jess?

As for the Jess engine itself, the jar file is ~372KB. In some devices
this can be prohibitive in and of itself. I suppose this could be
optimized so that only the most essential Jess classes are included in
your deployment but that might be hard to do correctly and might not get
you the savings you require - YMMV.

Working memory usage can vary greatly depending on your rule/fact
structure. From your problem description, it doesn't sound like your
working memory needs would be very large unless every sensor needs to
know about and reason about every other sensor in a large network.

My final question is how easily can Jess couple into Java? For example,
how easily can we bring sensor reading through into Jess to refer to in
the rules?

Jess integrates *very* easily with Java.

I would really appreciate your help in this. Thank you and have a good

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