Try this:

(deftemplate Person
   (slot Name (type STRING))
   (multislot Ancestors)

 (Person (Name "a")
        (Ancestors (assert (Person (Name "b")))
                     (assert (Person (Name "c")))

(defrule removePersonReferences
   (remove-person ?name)
   ?person <- (Person (Name ?name))
   ?decendent <- (Person (Ancestors $?pre ?person $?post))
      ?decendent (Ancestors (create$ ?pre ?post))

(defrule removePerson
   ?trigger <- (remove-person ?name)
   ?person <- (Person (Name ?name))
   (not (Person (Ancestors $?pre ?person $?post)))
   (retract ?person)
   (retract ?trigger)

Output from run:

Jess> (watch all)
Jess> (batch "..\\test2.jess")
 ==> f-0 (MAIN::Person (Name "b") (Ancestors ))
 ==> f-1 (MAIN::Person (Name "c") (Ancestors ))
 ==> f-2 (MAIN::Person (Name "a") (Ancestors <Fact-0> <Fact-1>))
MAIN::removePersonReferences: +1+1+1+1+2+1+2+t
MAIN::removePerson: =1=1=1=1=2=1+2+t
Jess> (assert (remove-person "c"))
 ==> f-3 (MAIN::remove-person "c")
==> Activation: MAIN::removePersonReferences :  f-3, f-1, f-2
Jess> (run)
FIRE 1 MAIN::removePersonReferences f-3, f-1, f-2
==> Activation: MAIN::removePerson :  f-3, f-1,
 <=> f-2 (MAIN::Person (Name "a") (Ancestors <Fact-0>))
FIRE 2 MAIN::removePerson f-3, f-1,
 <== f-1 (MAIN::Person (Name "c") (Ancestors ))
 <== f-3 (MAIN::remove-person "c")
Jess> (facts)
f-0   (MAIN::Person (Name "b") (Ancestors ))
f-2   (MAIN::Person (Name "a") (Ancestors <Fact-0>))
For a total of 2 facts.

You will have to arrange to have one of your rules assert the
(remove-person) fact.

Also, you could use a defquery to find all related (Person) facts that
reference to-be-removed person fact and then modify each of the returned
facts and their Ancestor multifields.

Good luck!


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of portalguy
> Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:01 AM
> To:
> Subject: JESS: Remove all references pointing to the 
> retracted fact from the slots
> Hi,
> I'm trying to find the quickest way to setting references in 
> slots to a retracted fact to nil or remove them if in a 
> multislot. For instance if I have the following template:
> (deftemplate Person
> (slot Name (type STRING))
> (multislot Ancestors)
> )
> and the following facts:
> (assert
>  (Person (Name "a")
>       (Ancestors (assert (Person (Name "b")))
>                    (assert (Person (Name "c")))
>       )
>  )
> )
> f-0   (MAIN::initial-fact)
> f-1   (MAIN::Person (Name "b") (Ancestors ))
> f-2   (MAIN::Person (Name "c") (Ancestors ))
> f-3   (MAIN::Person (Name "a") (Ancestors <Fact-1> <Fact-2>))
> For a total of 4 facts in module MAIN.
> Now if I remove say fact 1 I need to remove it from ancestors 
> in fact 3 but if I only do (retract 1) I end up with the 
> following and as you can see fact 3 still hold reference to 
> none existing fact 1:
> f-0   (MAIN::initial-fact)
> f-2   (MAIN::Person (Name "c") (Ancestors ))
> f-3   (MAIN::Person (Name "a") (Ancestors <Fact-1> <Fact-2>))
> For a total of 3 facts in module MAIN.
> The question is what is the quickest way to clean up the 
> reference issue, other than going through every slot and 
> verifying that it is not pointing to a none existing fact.
> Thanks
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