Strange error message

Hello.  I got the following error message that I cannot make any sense of.
"Bad index 21 in call to get() on this vector: (MAIN::__not_or_test_CE)."

The rule generating the error is below, the error stack trace is after that.
If I use the (or ...) redoing two possible patient matches, it works. If I use the equivalent (test (or ...)) it gives the error message and seems to hang Jess badly.

Is this use of (test ...) legitimate, or did I stumble uppon a bug?

I am using Jess 6.

Florian Fischer

The rule
(defrule topo-ATT-UPED-C-remove-patient
 ?f <- (zone-includes-patient (zone ?z&"ATT-UPED-C") (patient ?ipat))
 (not (and
           (patient (id ?ipat) (careUnitMnemo "UPED")
                    (flagCasChir ?fc) (flagTraumaRea ?ft))
; option 1 - test
;            (test (or (> ?fc 0) (> ?ft 0)) )
; option 2 - redo the matches
(patient (id ?ipat) (careUnitMnemo "UPED") (flagCasChir 1)) (patient (id ?ipat) (careUnitMnemo "UPED") (flagTraumaRea 1)) )
; end options
               ; explicit ATT-UPED
               (patient (id ?ipat) (room "ATT-UPED"))
               ; ATT-UPED is default for UPED
                    (patient (id ?ipat) (room ?r))
                    (not (zone (zonetype "room") (unit "UPED") (room ?r)) )
 )    )
 (printout t "(jess) Special zone " ?z " looses patient " ?ipat crlf)
 (retract ?f)

The error
Exception jess.JessException
Jess reported an error in routine ValueVector.get
       while executing (> ?_2_fc 0)
       while executing (or (> ?_2_fc 0) (> ?_2_ft 0))
       while executing 'test' CE
       while executing rule LHS (Node2)
       while executing rule LHS (Node2)
       while executing rule LHS (TEQ)
       while executing rule LHS (TECT).
Message: Bad index 21 in call to get() on this vector: (MAIN::__not_or_test_CE). Program text: ( defrule topo-ATT-UPED-C-remove-patient ?f <- ( zone-includes-patient ( zone ?z & "ATT-UPED-C" ) ( patient ?ipat ) ) ( not ( and ( patient ( id ?ipat ) ( careUnitMnemo "UPED" ) ( flagCasChir ?fc ) ( flagTraumaRea ?ft ) ) ( test ( or ( > ?fc 0 ) ( > ?ft 0 ) ) ) ( or ( patient ( id ?ipat ) ( room "ATT-UPED" ) ) ( and ( patient ( id ?ipat ) ( room ?r ) ) ( not ( zone ( zonetype "room" ) ( unit "UPED" ) ( room ?r ) ) ) ) ) ) ) = > ( printout t "(jess) Special zone " ?z " looses patient " ?ipat crlf ) ( retract ?f ) ) at line 455.
=== Stack trace:
Jess reported an error in routine ValueVector.get
       while executing (> ?_2_fc 0)
       while executing (or (> ?_2_fc 0) (> ?_2_ft 0))
       while executing 'test' CE
       while executing rule LHS (Node2)
       while executing rule LHS (Node2)
       while executing rule LHS (TEQ)
       while executing rule LHS (TECT).
Message: Bad index 21 in call to get() on this vector: (MAIN::__not_or_test_CE). Program text: ( defrule topo-ATT-UPED-C-remove-patient ?f <- ( zone-includes-patient ( zone ?z & "ATT-UPED-C" ) ( patient ?ipat ) ) ( not ( and ( patient ( id ?ipat ) ( careUnitMnemo "UPED" ) ( flagCasChir ?fc ) ( flagTraumaRea ?ft ) ) ( test ( or ( > ?fc 0 ) ( > ?ft 0 ) ) ) ( or ( patient ( id ?ipat ) ( room "ATT-UPED" ) ) ( and ( patient ( id ?ipat ) ( room ?r ) ) ( not ( zone ( zonetype "room" ) ( unit "UPED" ) ( room ?r ) ) ) ) ) ) ) = > ( printout t "(jess) Special zone " ?z " looses patient " ?ipat crlf ) ( retract ?f ) ) at line 455.
       at jess.ValueVector.get(
       at jess.Fact.get(
       at jess.BindingValue.resolveValue(
       at jess.BindingValue.numericValue(
       at jess.Funcall.execute(
       at jess.FuncallValue.resolveValue(
       at jess.Funcall.execute(
       at jess.FuncallValue.resolveValue(
       at jess.Test1.doTest(
       at jess.NodeJoin.runTests(
       at jess.NodeJoin.callNodeLeft(
       at jess.NodeJoin.passAlong(
       at jess.Node2.doRunTestsVaryRight(
       at jess.Node2.runTestsVaryRight(
       at jess.Node2.callNodeLeft(
       at jess.NodeJoin.passAlong(
       at jess.NodeNot2.runTestsVaryRight(
       at jess.Node2.callNodeLeft(
       at jess.NodeNot2.callNodeLeft(
       at jess.Node1RTL.passAlong(
       at jess.Node1RTL.callNodeRight(
       at jess.Node1.passAlong(
       at jess.Node1TEQ.callNodeRight(
       at jess.Node1.passAlong(
       at jess.Node1TECT.callNodeRight(
       at jess.Rete.updateNodes(
       at jess.ReteCompiler.addRule(
       at jess.Rete.addDefrule(
       at jess.Jesp.addARule(
       at jess.Jesp.doParseDefrule(
       at jess.Jesp.parseDefrule(
       at jess.Jesp.parseSexp(
       at jess.Jesp.parse(
       at jess.Rete.executeCommand(
       at jess.Rete.executeCommand(
at ch.hcuge.panorama.tbserver.TBJessManager.executeJessStringToString( at org.apache.jsp.auth.JessConsole_jsp._jspService(org.apache.jsp.auth.JessConsole_jsp:180) at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
       at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service( at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
       at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
       at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service( at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process( at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection( at at at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$

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