This then raises the question of where do these classes need to be for the Jess file to find them?

On Jul 21, 2006, at 8:46 AM, friedman_hill ernest j wrote:

A template is in many ways like a class in Java and other
languages. Here are a few true and relevant statements about a template:

- It defines a datatype.
- It must be defined before it can be used
- If it is defined multiple times in a program, those definitions must
  match exactly.

So the exact template that your rules will use must be defined before
the rules are defined; that's the problem you're having here. The
add() function *will* automatically define a template for you, but in
your program, but you need the template earlier than that, before you
try to define the rules. So do it explicitly in your rules file:

(deftemplate Patient
  (declare (from-class "edu.utah.cdmcc.entities.Patient")))

or, equivalently

(defclass Patient "edu.utah.cdmcc.entities.Patient")

Get rid of that unrelated "patient" deftemplate, and use Patient in
your rules.

I think mdean77 wrote:
I have a Jess file with a simple template for a patient:
(deftemplate patient
     "Patient object - has age and weight"
     (slot age)
     (slot weight)
     (slot miscellaneous))

and a simple template for a glucose measurement:
(deftemplate currentGlucoseValue
     "Glucose level at current timepoint"
     (slot measurementTime)
     (slot value))

and a rule:
(defrule current-glucose-range
     "Define current glucose status"
     (currentGlucoseValue (value ?value))
     (if (and (>= ?value ?*lowTargetLimit*) (<= ?value ?
         then (assert(currentGlucoseInRange))
         else (if (< ?value ?*lowTargetLimit*)
             then (assert(currentGlucoseBelowRange))
                        (printout t "The patient is hypoglycemic." crlf)
             else (assert(currentGlucoseAboveRange))
                        (printout t "The patient is hyperglycemic." crlf)       

When I include the following in my file and execute this as a Jess
program, the rule
fires and "The patient is hyperglycemic" is displayed (because the
glucose level is high).

(assert (patient (age 33) (weight 3)))
(assert (currentGlucoseValue (value 245)))

  But when I have embedded the rule file in Java, eliminating the two
assertions shown above, and
instantiate patient from a Java Bean that is more complicated than
the simple patient template shown
above, the rule current-glucose-range does not activate.  The actual
patient object is instantiated with
rete.add(object) and Jess has constructed it thus:

  ==> f-1 (MAIN::Patient (age 36) (birthdate <Java-
Object:java.util.GregorianCalendar>) (birthdateString "December 15,
1969") (class <Java-Object:java.lang.Class>) (decisions <Java-
Object:org.hibernate.collection.PersistentBag>) (firstName
"HypoButInsulinOn") (gender <Java-
Object:edu.utah.cdmcc.entities.Gender>) (height 72.86) (id 5)
(lastName "Adult") (medRecNum "56-34-56") (miscellaneous nil) (name
"Adult, HypoButInsulinOn") (trialDbCode "ST02CHOM0005") (version 0)
(weight 67.8) (OBJECT <Java-Object:edu.utah.cdmcc.entities.Patient>))

In the example rule, I only am asserting that a patient exists at
all, but looking at this shadow fact, it is named for the Java object
class Patient.  But the shadow fact is not really identified as a
patient fact, I am guessing.

I tried changing the Jess file to capitalize Patient, but then I
received a Jess error in routine definstance, stating unknown object
class Patient.

Any comments will be appreciated.

- Mike

Ernest Friedman-Hill
Advanced Software Research          Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
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