Make sure your own code is registered for buddy cooperation with Jess, in your MANIFEST.MF file. Something like
Eclipse-RegisterBuddy: jess.core

On Dec 1, 2006, at 3:36 AM, Bergner, Olaf (Saxonia) wrote:

With Jess 7.0 out the doors, we are starting to use its set of Eclipse plugins. However, the Jess editor complains about not being able to resolve _any_ imported java class. I suspect that this is related to

which, unfortunately, was left unanswered. So I would like to repeat the question: is there a workaround for the case when a project's name is not identical to the name of the project folder?


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Olaf Bergner
Saxonia Systems AG @ Otto
office:       +49(0)40 6461-5942
mobil:        +49(0)170 16 90 143
e-mail:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Die Saxonia Systems AG ist zertifiziert nach DIN EN ISO 9001:2000
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