Hi NIcolas,

A rule like this seems to work for me:

(defrule greatest-one-smallest-two
    "Find the My-Template with greatest index1 and smallest index2"
    (MAIN::My-Template (id ?id1)(index1 ?i1_1)(index2 ?i1_2))
    (not (MAIN::My-Template
         (id ~?id1)
         (index1 ?i2_1&:(>= ?i2_1 ?i1_1))
         (index2 ?i2_2&:(< ?i2_2 ?i1_2 ))))
    (printout t
       "No My-Template fact has both a larger index1 and a smallest index2
than fact # " ?id1 crlf)
    (printout t
       "    index1: " ?i1_1 "  index2: " ?i1_2 crlf))

It seems a bit more complicated if you want to hunt for a particular fact
with the highest index1 and lowest index2 among all instances of an
arbitrary number of fact templates (i.e., my-template, queue, etc.) that
share these two slots in common.

Would you describe what your goal is and perhaps we can suggest a better



Morris Technical Solutions LLC

On 10/17/07, Nicolas Fortin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Suppose that I have the following template:
> (deftemplate MAIN::My-Template
>   (slot id (type INTEGER))
>   (slot index1 (type INTEGER))
>   (slot index2 (type INTEGER)))
> I want a rule that would be activated by the fact with the greatest index1
*and* the smallest index2. Note that index1 and index2 *are not* unique.
> So let's say that these facts are in the working memory:
> (assert (MAIN::My-Template
>   (id 1) (index1 1) (index2 0))
> (assert (MAIN::Queue
>   (id 2) (index1 1) (index2 0))
> (assert (MAIN::Queue
>   (id 3) (index1 0) (index2 0))
> The rule would fire either with the first (id 1) or second (id 2) fact.
> And now let's say that these facts are in the working memory:
> (assert (MAIN::My-Template
>   (id 1) (index1 1) (index2 -1))
> (assert (MAIN::Queue
>   (id 2) (index1 1) (index2 0))
> (assert (MAIN::Queue
>   (id 3) (index1 0) (index2 0))
> The rule would fire only with the first fact (id 1).
> How can I write this kind of rule?
> Thanks in advance.
> Nicolas
> ________________________________
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Jason Morris
Morris Technical Solutions LLC

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