
Jess (and other rule-based languages) is not procedural, but more declarative.

rules are in the form:

(defrule myrule
   (condition 1)
(condition 2)
(condituin 3)
(action 1)
(action 2 ))

Each rule is independent of others. All of them are evaluated for their conditions and one is selected to run. Conditions are in the from of patterns which are defined using facts. Order of execution of the rules is defined by set of facts.

for more details read Jess manual and books or rule-based programming.

Dusan Sormaz
hansari wrote:
I need rule for

if (condtion1)
 then (acton1)
if else (conditon2)
then   (action2)
if else (condition3)
then (action3)
else (acton4)

how can perform this by using defrule please help me.

thank you.

* Dusan Sormaz, PhD, Associate Professor
* Ohio University
* Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
* 284 Stocker Center, Athens, OH 45701-2979
* phone: (740) 593-1545 * fax:   (740) 593-0778 * e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * url: http://www.ent.ohiou.edu/~sormaz

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