
I beg here to differ from this approach.

This approach shows how to write if-then-else in Lisp, which is not different from writing them in any language with if-then-else conditional statements (and all of them support IF logic).

Writing your conditions in a rule language like Jess assumes that you utilize benefits of rule-based approach, which includes data-driven order of execution.

Dusan Sormaz

Joao Antunes Mourao wrote:
(defrule name-of-the-rule
   (put here your conditions for the rule, if any)
(if (condition) then
   (put your things here)
(if (condition) then
   (put your things here)
   (put your things here)

Simple. Good luck.

unclassified email

On 10-12-2008 05:47, hansari wrote:
I need rule for

if (condtion1)
 then (acton1)
if else (conditon2)
then   (action2)
if else (condition3)
then (action3)
else (acton4)

how can perform this by using defrule please help me.

thank you.


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* Dusan Sormaz, PhD, Associate Professor
* Ohio University
* Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
* 284 Stocker Center, Athens, OH 45701-2979
* phone: (740) 593-1545 * fax:   (740) 593-0778 * e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * url:

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