Is it really true that the genuinely reborn Jesus believing husband is 
maritally bound in the Kingdom of God to his genuinely reborn Jesus believing wife 
until death ends the marriage?  What about when adultery/fornication occurs?
***1Cor 7:10* Â But to those already married my instructions are--yet not 
mine, but the Lordâs--that a wife is not to leave her husband; 
11* or if she has already left him, let her either remain as she is or be reconciled 
to him; and that a husband is not to divorce/send away his wife. . . . 
39* Â A woman is bound to her husband during the whole period that he lives; but if 
her husband dies, she is at liberty to marry whom she will, provided that he is a 
Christian.  WEY

Please note that this Scripture does not say 'But to those already married my 
instructions are--yet not mine, but the Lordâs--that a wife is not to leave 
her husband except if he falls into adultery/fornication; 
11* or if she has already left him, let her either remain as she is or be reconciled 
to him; and that a husband is not to divorce/send away his wife unless she has fallen 
into adultery/fornication. . . . A wife is bound to her husband during the whole 
period that she/he doesn't fall into adultery/fornication; but if she or her husband 
fall into adultery/fornication, she is at liberty to marry whom she will.'

In the case of a genuinely reborn Jesus believing married couple, divorce or 
separation for adultery/fornication is not a termination of the marriage bond, 
but rather is part of the church discipline process (2 Tim 2:22-26; Gal 6:1; 
Mat 18:15--18; 1 Cor 5:3-5) that involves such separation by believers from 
"believers" snared in sin (2 Thess 3:6-14; 1 Cor 5:9-11), to the end that the 
Lord would chasten them into repentance (Heb 12:1-12; 1 Cor 5:3-11 with 2 Cor 7; 
1 Cor 11:28-32), so that they may be restored and reconciled in the 
fellowship of the Body of Christ (2 Cor 2:1-12).  If the one snared in fornic
ation/adultery does not repent, Christians and the Body of Christ are not authorized 
execute the sinning one, so Jesus saves the snared ones from their sin by 
putting their bodies to sleep in death and taking them Home to Himself where they 
can't continue in the sin (1 Cor 5:3-5; 11:28-32).  If the "sinning saint" 
continues on in his/her fornication/adultery without chastening or repentance, 
then we know that such a  "sinning saint" is/was indeed no 
saint/believer/disciple at all (Heb 12:1-12; Mat 18:18; 1 Jn 2:19).

According to Bruce's International Bible Commentary, "Christian marriage is 
indissoluble till death." [IBCp.1364}.  Please note that the finding is not 
that 'Christian marriage is indissoluble till adultery/fornication.' "The married 
(7:10,11) --  Here both partners are Christians . . . , and for such divorce 
is not permitted.  If, however, it does take place another marriage is out of 
the question." [IBCp.1361].   In Mark 10 Jesus "indicated, thereupon, that God's 
original intentions with regard to marriage were stated in Gen 1:27. (6), and in Gen 
2:24 (7,8a), statements which depict the marriage bond as indissoluble. . . . His 
conclusion, consequently, was that MAN (i.e. the male member of the partnership, 
rather than some legal body), has no right to sever his matrimonial union. . . He had 
shown that for a man to divorce his wife was a sin. . . " [IBCp.1170]

According to Matthew Henry's Commentary on Rom 7 we see that "Such is the Law 
of  marriage (v.2.), the woman is bound to her husband during life, so bound 
to him that she cannot marry another; if she do, she shall be reckoned an 
adulteress, v.3." [MHCp.408].  According to 1 Cor 7:10,11 we see that in "general, 
he tells them that marriage, by Christ's command, is for life; . . . the Lord 
himself, with his own mouth, had forbidden such separations, . . . Husbands 
and wives . . . are bound to each other for life.  The divine law allows of no 
separation." [MHCp.538].  According to 1 Cor 7:39, "The marriage-contract is 
for life; death only can annul the bond." [MHCp.544]

Jesus Himself shows that even the divorce He allows does not break the 
marital bond of husband and wife when He shows us that the wife divorced/separated 
for adultery/fornication is not free to remarry, stating plainly that whoever 
marries a "put away" (divorced) wife is committing adultery.  Why?  Because 
even though she is "put away" divorced from her husband as a part of church 
discipline, she is still maritally bound to him in the Kingdom of God.
***Mat 5:  32* But *I* say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, 
except for cause of fornication, makes her commit adultery, and whosoever 
marries one that is put away commits adultery.
***Matt 19: 9* But I say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, 
not for fornication, and shall marry another, commits adultery; and he who 
marries one put away commits adultery. 

A child of God, snared in sin, could today in the Kingdom of Mankind divorce 
his Jesus believing wife, Betsy, for irreconcilable differences about their 
own finances and sexual intimacy, and then go on and marry Jesus believing Lulu, 
who had just divorced her Jesus believing husband for irreconcilable differences about 
money and children.  This is quite permissible in the Kingdom of Mankind, but it is 
the sex sin of adultery in the Kingdom of God. Why? Because he divorced his 
wife-in-Christ for a reason other than sex sin, causing her to be vulnerable to 
adultery, and married another woman in adultery (Mat 5:32; 19:1-12).  

Even though the Bible clearly teaches that the marital union of two genuine 
Jesus believers is binding until one of them dies (Rom 7:1-3; 1 Cor 7:10,11,39; 
Mark 10:1-12), even if one of them fell into adultery and then repented (Mat. 
5:32; Mat 19:1-12; 1 Cor 5:3-5, 9-11 with 2 Cor 2),  many Bible teachers 
teach otherwise, misstating 1 Cor 1:9 by failing to teach that 1 Cor 1:9, in conte
xt of Prv 28:13 + 1 Cor 5:3-11 + 2 Cor 7:8-13; 2:5-11 , includes and involves 
repentance, the turning to God and His will while forsaking the sin confessed.

In the case of Betsy and Lulu, that would mean that the man would confess, 
agreeing with God, his sin of divorcing Betsy -- to whom he was still bound in 
the Kingdom of God -- and reconcile with her.  He would agree with God about 
his adultery in marrying Lulu, who had sinned by divorcing her Jesus believing 
husband -- to whom she was still bound in the Kingdom of God.  He would then 
divorce Lulu, sending her back to her Jesus  believing husband.

Most Christian leaders, fearing Mankind, appear to be more concerned for 
social and personal comfort, convenience and church attendance than they are 
concerned for the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Take the case of Hank, 
Betsy and Lulu and make it  a little more complicated and inconvenient.  Say that 
Hank and Betsy had two children before the divorce. Say that Lulu had a child 
before her divorce. Say that Hank and Lulu had two children after they were 
married. Say that Betsy had gone on and married Bozonà and had two children.  
Todayâs pastors would say that even though Hank sinned by divorcing Betsy, Betsy 
sinned by marrying BozonÃ, and Hank and Lulu sinned by marrying each other, 
they should just âconfessâ their sins and go on forgetting the past.  That 
isnât acceptable in the Kingdom of God.

The Bible is quite clear that in the Kingdom of God, two children of God are 
maritally bound to each other as long as they both live.  Todayâs Christians 
are so preoccupied with the first part of Mat 5:32, they fail to see the significance 
of the last part of Mat. 5:32, that even though he divorced her for adultery, she is 
still so maritally bound to him that anyone who marries her commits adultery, even 
though she was divorced on the grounds of adultery.  As 1 Cor 5 + 2 Cor 7:8-13; 2:5-11 
show, the divorce/separation of Mat 5:32 is part of the church discipline imposed on 
her for her sin, and the purpose of the discipline is to eventually lead to 
restoration and reconciliation of the husband and the wife.
***Mat 5:  32* But *I* say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, 
except for cause of fornication, makes her commit adultery, and whosoever 
marries one that is put away commits adultery.
***1Cor 7:10* Â But to those already married my instructions are--yet not 
mine, but the Lordâs--that a wife is not to leave her husband; 
11* or if she has already left him, let her either remain as she is or be reconciled 
to him; and that a husband is not to send away his wife. . . . 
39* Â A woman is bound to her husband during the whole period that he lives; but if 
her husband dies, she is at liberty to marry whom she will, provided that he is a 
Christian.  WEY
***Rom 7:2* A wife, for instance, whose husband is living is bound to him by 
the Law; but if her husband dies the law that bound her to him has now no hold 
over her. 3* This accounts for the fact that if during her husbandâs life she 
lives with another man, she will be stigmatized as an adulteress; but that if 
her husband is dead she is no longer under the old prohibition, and even 
though she marries again, she is not an adulteress. WEY

So Jesus believing Hank sinned by divorcing Jesus believing Betsy for the 
irreconcilable difference that she wouldnât have sex with him often enough and 
wouldnât enjoy sports events with him.  They had two children before the 
divorce. Though divorced in the Kingdom of Mankind, they are still maritally bound to 
each other in the Kingdom of God (Mat 19:1-12; Malachi 2; 1 Cor 7:10,11,39; 
Rom 7:1-3).  

Jesus believing Lulu divorced unbeliever Duke, who wanted to live with her 
and stay married to her, for the irreconcilable difference that he wouldnât help 
her with the baby or go to church with her.  Since in the Kingdom of God she 
is maritally bound to him as long as he wants to live with her and be married 
to her (1 Cor 7:12-15), she disobeyed Jesus in divorcing him.  She remains 
maritally bound to him as long as he wants to live with her and be maritally 
united with  her.  They had one child before the divorce.

Hank and Lulu married in the Kingdom of Mankind, even though it was adultery 
and they were still maritally bound to their previous mates in the Kingdom of 
God, and had two children.  Hank and Lulu lived in adultery every day of their 
marriage. Betsy went on and disobeyed Jesus by marrying unbeliever Bozonà 
(Malachi 2; 2 Cor 6; 2 Thess 3; 1 Cor 5:9-11).  Betsy and Bozonà lived in 
adultery every day of their marriage. They  had  two children.

The idea that Hank, Lulu and Betsy can just run to God and say âIâm sorry for what 
I did!!!  Forgive me for Jesusâ sake!?!?!?!?â and expect to be forgiven and 
receive Godâs blessing after that on their adulterous marriages has no basis in 
The Scripture is â 1Cor7:39* Â A woman is bound to her husband during the 
whole period that he lives.â  The Schripture is not âA woman is bound to her 
husband until she apologizes to God, confesses her error and asks forgiveness.'  
The Scripture is not 'A woman woman is bound to her husband until one of them 
falls into adultery/fornication.'  Case in point is Herod living in adultery 
with his brotherâs wife and John the Baptist confronting him in his adultery, 
made it clear that he needed to STOP having her as his wife and return her to 
her husband.  It wasn't enough for Herod to go to the Temple, confess his sin, 
offer a sacrifice, and then return to his adulterous wife.
***Mt 14: 3 For Herod had seized John, and had bound him and put him in 
prison on account of Herodias the wife of Philip his brother. 
4 For John said to him, It is not lawful for thee to be having her. (Mr 6:17, 18)

To be restored to right standing with Jesus, Hank, Betsy and Lulu need to 
agree with Jesus about their sins (1John1:9), to have repentant godly sorrow 
about their sin (2 Cor 7), to repent of and forsake their sin (Prov 28:13; 2 Cor 
7), and to return to their mates to whom they are still bound in the Kingdom of 
God (2Cor2+7; Mat 19:1-12; Malachi 2; 1 Cor 7:10,11,39; Rom 7:1-3).  In 
repentance motivated by godly sorrow, Hank, Lulu and Betsy would end their 
adulterous marriages. Hank and Betsy would seek reconciliation with each other.  Lulu 
would seek reconciliation with Duke, if he still wanted to live with her and 
be married to her (1 Cor 7:12-15).   What about the kids?  The Jesus believing 
parents are still expected to Love, cherish, support and minister to their 
children, even if separated by divorce and remarriage (Deut 6; Ephes 6).  Custody 
would be a matter for the courts in the Kingdom of Mankind.

Would such separations, divorces and reconciliations be emotionally painful 
and difficult?  You bet!  There is plenty of sorrow in godly sorrow, but it is 
sorrow that results in peace with God.
***1Sa 25:44 But Saul had given Michal his daughter, Davidâs wife, to Phalti 
the son of Laish, who was of Gallim.
***2Sa 3:13 And he said, Well, I will make a covenant with thee; only I 
require one thing of thee, that is, Thou shalt not see my face, except thou first 
bring Michal Saulâs daughter, when thou comest to see my face. 14 And David 
sent messengers to Ishbosheth Saulâs son, saying, Deliver me my wife Michal, whom 
I espoused to me for a hundred foreskins of the Philistines.  14 And David 
sent messengers to Ishbosheth Saulâs son, saying, Deliver me my wife Michal, 
whom I espoused to me for a hundred foreskins of the Philistines. 15 And 
Ishbosheth sent, and took her from her husband, from Phaltiel the son of Laish. 16 And 
her husband went with her along weeping behind her to Bahurim. Then said 
Abner to him, Go, return. And he returned

All of this is to say that a wedding/marriage may be legal in the Kingdom of 
Mankind, but at the same time be adultery in the Kingdom of God.  Abner could 
be legally married to Zeta, even though Zeta left Buhbuh for the irreconcilable 
difference that he didnât buy her a new car every year.  In the Kingdom of God, 
Abner and Zeta are living in adultery, while in the Kingdom of Mankind, they are 
legally married and socially acceptable. Most Christian American Pastors would welcome 
Abner and Zeta into their church membership upon profession of their faith, dismissing 
their adultery  as a thing confessed, forgiven and forgotten in the past.  That is not 
what 1 Cor 7:10-15, 39 and Rom 7:1-3 says.  Their marriage is adultery in the Kingdom 
of God and they are living in adultery as long as Abner is sexually having 
BuhBuhâs Zeta.
So clearly a legal wedding/marriage does not necessarily make an acceptable 
wedding/marriage in the Kingdom of God.

*************************Confession Repentance adultery divorce and marriage

Risking mortal wrath, indignation and condemnation, let's take these truths 
one step further to the point that causes most Christian Bible expositors to 
twist and warp the Scriptures to fit their own doctrines, traditions, culture 
and mental comfort (Mark 7:1-15; Mat 15:1-15).  Let's take the situation where 
genuinely reborn and Jesus believing Dilton has divorced his genuinely reborn 
and Jesus believing wife, Falfurria, for the irreconcilable difference that she 
won't tithe, attend home Bible studies and have sex with him four times a 
week.  Dilton has gone on, with the local church's blessing, and married 
genuinely reborn and Jesus believing Burnetta (a widow), and Falfurria has gone on and 
married genuinely reborn and Jesus believing Tilden, the widower.

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