Daily devotions for 07-10-2004: 
Devotion: Morning and Evening
Morning Title: Citizens of Heaven
Evening Title: Children of Light
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Morning: Citizens of Heaven 
"Fellow citizens with the saints."  --Ephesians 2:19

What is meant by our being citizens in heaven? It
means that we are under heaven's government.
Christ the king of heaven reigns in our hearts;
our daily prayer is, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
The proclamations issued from the throne of glory
are freely received by us: the decrees of the
Great King we cheerfully obey. Then as citizens
of the New Jerusalem, we share heaven's honours.
The glory which belongs to beatified saints
belongs to us, for we are already sons of God,
already princes of the blood imperial; already we
wear the spotless robe of Jesus' righteousness;
already we have angels for our servitors, saints
for our companions, Christ for our Brother, God
for our Father, and a crown of immortality for our reward.
We share the honours of citizenship, for we have
come to the general assembly and Church of the
first-born whose names are written in heaven. As
citizens, we have common rights to all the
property of heaven. Ours are its gates of pearl
and walls of chrysolite; ours the azure light of
the city that needs no candle nor light of the
sun; ours the river of the water of life, and the
twelve manner of fruits which grow on the trees
planted on the banks thereof; there is nought in
heaven that belongeth not to us. "Things present,
or things to come," all are ours.
Also as citizens of heaven we enjoy its delights.
Do they there rejoice over sinners that
repent--prodigals that have returned? So do we.
Do they chant the glories of triumphant grace? We
do the same. Do they cast their crowns at Jesus'
feet? Such honours as we have we cast there too.
Are they charmed with His smile? It is not less
sweet to us who dwell below. Do they look
forward, waiting for His second advent? We also
look and long for His appearing. If, then, we are
thus citizens of heaven, let our walk and actions
be consistent with our high dignity.
Evening: Children of Light 
"And the evening and the morning were the first day."
--Genesis 1:5
The evening was "darkness" and the morning was
"light," and yet the two together are called by
the name that is given to the light alone! This
is somewhat remarkable, but it has an exact
analogy in spiritual experience. In every
believer there is darkness and light, and yet he
is not to be named a sinner because there is sin
in him, but he is to be named a saint because he
possesses some degree of holiness. This will be a
most comforting thought to those who are mourning
their infirmities, and who ask, "Can I be a child
of God while there is so much darkness in me?"
Yes; for you, like the day, take not your name
from the evening, but from the morning; and you
arespoken of in the word of God as if you were
even now perfectly holy as you will be soon. You
are called the child of light, though there is darkness in you still.
You are named after what is the predominating
quality in the sight of God, which will one day
be the only principle remaining. Observe that the
evening comes first. Naturally we are darkness
first in order of time, and the gloom is often
first in our mournful apprehension, driving us to
cry out in deep humiliation, "God be merciful to
me, a sinner." The place of the morning is
second, it dawns when grace overcomes nature. It
is a blessed aphorism of John Bunyan, "That which
is last, lasts for ever." That which is first,
yields in due season to the last; but nothing
comes after the last. So that though you are
naturally darkness, when once you become light in
the Lord, there is no evening to follow; "thy sun
shall no more go down." The first day in this
life is an evening and a morning; but the second
day, when we shall be with God, for ever, shall
be a day with no evening, but one, sacred, high, eternal noon.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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