From: "Dwayne Savaya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gods Work Ministry Inspirational and Encouragement E-Mail

Dear Friend,

I hope you are doing well and are in the best of health.  I am doing very
well and am thankful for the many blessings that God has bestowed upon my
life and this ministry.  Without God's leading and guiding hand, I know 
that we would not be anointed and strong in Him concerning the direction 
of God's Work Ministry.  I hope and pray that you have benefited greatly 
from this simple Ministry that started to inspire and encourage God's 
people around the world.  I do give God all the Glory, Honor and Praise for
every gift and blessing that has come forth through this work. 

As Bible believing Christians, we are to always be open and learn from what
God is trying to teach and show us.  The more I learn of God's nature and
ways, the more I am humbled and thankful that I am His child and that He is
my Heavenly Father.  I would like to share an experience that I went 
through not too long ago that showed me again to depend on God's wisdom and
understanding and rest in His ability that all will be well. 

I recently caught a cold which is unusual for me because I very rarely get
sick.  It first started with a fever that would not go away.  I took 
medication that has worked for all of my family when they get sick, but it
did not do any good for me.  The fever continued for a few days and then 
on the following night my body started to shiver rather badly.  As much as
I tried to stop myself from shivering I could not and it came to the point
where my teeth were chattering so loudly people in other rooms could hear it.

That night while I was trying to fall asleep, I prayed and asked the Lord
to take this fever and shivering from me.  I could not go to sleep because
of the shivering so I just laid in bed hoping that the shivering would 
stop.  At about 6:00 a.m., I woke up from a sound sleep and I was not 
shivering any longer and the fever was gone.  I was very thankful, but I
was so tired and weak that I fell back asleep again.

A few hours later I woke up and I felt the Lord speaking to my heart.  I 
felt the Lord say to me that He had heard my prayer, but in order for me to
be healed completely from the fever, my body had to cleanse itself and the
shivering was the body's way of sweating the fever out of my system.  This
is something I knew in my head knowledge, but in that moment of shivering 
it did not register that my body must go through this in order for me to be
well.  As uncomfortable as I was for those few hours, I now see how I had 
to go through that hardship in order for me to get better and be back to my
normal healthy self.

The point that I want to make is that no matter the hardships that come 
our way, we are to have faith and trust that God is with us and in the end
all will be well.  There are many people that go through trials and 
tribulations and they do not see any light at the end of the tunnel.  What
they must realize is that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that 
light is so bright it is sure to overshadow and make them forget the 
problems that came their way. (Proverbs 3:5-6) (John 14:27) (Psalm 30:1-5)

Be encouraged to trust in God's wisdom and know that He will never leave 
you nor forsake you.  Always keep in mind that we will have good days and
bad days, but the sure thing is that God will be with us on our bad days to
lift us up and He will be there on our good days to walk alongside us to 
enjoy the moments that we have on the earth. (Psalm 139:1-10) (Hebrews 13:5)

Read and meditate on these scriptures:

Hebrews 4:14-16 "Seeing then that we have a Great High Priest, that is
passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our 
profession.  For we have not an High Priest which cannot be touched with
the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we
are, yet without sin.  Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of 
grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."

Hebrews 13:5-6 "Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be 
content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave
thee, nor forsake thee.  So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper,
and I will not fear what man shall do unto me."

Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them
that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."

Philippians 1:6 "Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath
begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."

John 14:27 Jesus declares "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto 
you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be 
troubled, neither let it be afraid."

All of these scriptures can be found in the King James Version Bible.

Today's Selected Poem: WISDOM OF THE SOUL 
Click here to read ---

Today's Selected Testimony:  THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD
Click here to read ---
From: "Dwayne Savaya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gods Work Ministry Inspirational and Encouragement E-Mail

Dear Friend,

We should never allow ourselves to miss the opportunity of investing our
time in the lives of those around us.  We are to realize that it is in 
helping and caring for those who are near to us that the true blessing of
life is found.  Jesus made it simple when He said "by this shall all men 
know that you are My disciples if you have Love one to another."  The
impact that will be left because of our positive reinforcements will 
ripple through the years to come reminding those who were blessed of our
contribution to their betterment.  What a wonderful feeling it is to know
that you have changed someone else's life for the better.  Be encouraged to
experience it for yourself if you have not done so before. (1 John 4:10-12)

This is a good story that encouraged my heart to continually do good works
because the impact will be felt far longer than we may even remember.


It had been some time since Jack had seen the old man. College, girls, 
career, and life itself got in the way. In fact, Jack moved clear across
the country in pursuit of his dreams. There, in the rush of his busy life,
Jack had little time to think about the past and often no time to spend 
with his wife and son. He was working on his future, and nothing could stop him.

Over the phone, his mother told him, "Mr. Belser died last night. The 
funeral is Wednesday." Memories flashed through his mind like an old 
newsreel as he sat quietly remembering his childhood days. "Jack, did you hear 

"Oh, sorry, Mom. Yes, I heard you. It's been so long since I thought of 
him. I'm sorry, but I honestly thought he died years ago," Jack said.

"Well, he didn't forget you. Every time I saw him he'd ask how you were 
doing. He'd reminisce about the many days you spent over 'his side of the
fence' as he put it," Mom told him.

"I loved that old house he lived in," Jack said.

"You know, Jack, after your father died, Mr. Belser stepped in to make sure
you had a man's influence in your life," she said.

"He's the one who taught me carpentry," he said. "I wouldn't be in this 
business if it weren't for him. He spent a lot of time teaching me things
he thought were important...Mom, I'll be there for the funeral," Jack said.

As busy as he was, he kept his word. Jack caught the next flight to his 
hometown. Mr. Belser's funeral was small and uneventful. He had no children
of his own, and most of his relatives had passed away.

The night before he had to return home, Jack and his Mom stopped by to see
the old house next door one more time.

Standing in the doorway, Jack paused for a moment. It was like crossing 
over into another dimension, a leap through space and time. The house was
exactly as he remembered. Every step held memories. Every picture, every 
piece of furniture...Jack stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong, Jack?" his Mom asked.

"The box is gone," he said.

"What box?" Mom asked.

"There was a small gold box that he kept locked on top of his desk. I must
have asked him a thousand times what was inside. All he'd ever tell me was
'the thing I value most,'" Jack said.

It was gone. Everything about the house was exactly how Jack remembered it,
except for the box. He figured someone from the Belser family had taken it.
"Now I'll never know what was so valuable to him," Jack said. "I better get
some sleep. I have an early flight home, Mom."

It had been about two weeks since Mr. Belser died. Returning home from 
work one day Jack discovered a note in his mailbox. "Signature required on
a package. No one at home. Please stop by the main post office within the
next three days," the note read.

Early the next day Jack retrieved the package. The small box was old and 
looked like it had been mailed a hundred years ago. The handwriting was 
difficult to read, but the return address caught his attention. "Mr. 
Harold Belser" it read.

Jack took the box out to his car and ripped open the package. There inside
was the gold box and an envelope. Jack's hands shook as he read the note inside.

"Upon my death, please forward this box and its contents to Jack Bennett.
It's the thing I valued most in my life." A small key was taped to the 
letter. His heart racing, as tears filled his eyes, Jack carefully unlocked
the box. There inside he found a beautiful gold pocket watch.

Running his fingers slowly over the finely etched casing, he unlatched the
cover. Inside he found these words engraved:

"Jack, Thanks for your time! Harold Belser." "The thing he valued time", Jack thought.

Jack held the watch for a few minutes, then called his office and cleared
his appointments for the next two days. "Why?" Janet, his assistant asked.
"I need some time to spend with my son," he said.

"Oh, by the way, Janet...thanks for your time!"

Author Unknown

Read and meditate on these scriptures:

1 John 4:10-12 "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved
us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.  Beloved, if God
so loved us, we ought also to love one another.  No man hath seen God at 
any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and His love is perfected 
in us."

Romans 12:9-10 "Let love be without dissimulation.  Abhor that which is
evil; cleave to that which is good.  Be kindly affectioned one to another
with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another."

Luke 9:48 Jesus declares "...Whosoever shall receive this child in My name
receiveth Me: and whosoever shall receive Me receiveth Him that sent Me: 
for he that is least among you all, the same shall be great."

All of these scriptures can be found in the King James Version Bible.

Today's Selected Poem:  REACHING OUT
Click here to read ---

Today's Selected Testimony:  TESTIMONY OF GOD'S LOVE
Click here to read ---

In Christ's Service, 
Dwayne Savaya 
Gods Work Ministry 

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