on 10/22/01 3:17 PM, "Gunnar Rønning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, I've read a couple of them, but choice of technology can involve
> other issues than the ones highlighted there. Maybe even PHP or a mod_perl
> system would have been better for their project ;-) It depends on the
> organization, the project and the resources available for the project.

When comparing JSP vs. Velocity (which is what the subject of this email is
about), there is really no compelling reason to go with JSP that I have seen
yet. I think that my essay does a very good job dispelling any such myths
that people have brought up.

> | When did PostgreSQL become faster than MySQL?
> Some time ago(around 7.0 I suspect), MySQL has been very fast as long
> as you don't have concurrent access, but it doesn't scale well with
> concurrent sessions. Check this article from Tim Perdue about the
> Sourceforge migration from MySQL to PostgreSQL :
> http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/tim20000705.php3
> A quote from the article :
> "In fact, Postgres seemed to scale 3 times higher than MySQL before
> giving any errors at all. MySQL begins collapsing at about 40-50
> concurrent connections, whereas Postgres handily scaled to 120 before
> balking. My guess is, that Postgres could have gone far past 120
> connections with enough memory and CPU."
> Also on the pro side PostgreSQL has BSD style license and a more open
> and healthy development community like Apache.

That is a very old article (2000-07-05), I would like to see more recent
data. Needless to say, switching between databases is a non-issue if you use
Torque or any other decent OR tool.


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