
The J2 pool appears to be managed by commons dbcp, configured by JNDI
resources in jetspeed.xml. The OJB is configured to use the JNDI connection
source in etc/db-obj/repository_database.xml.

I am not sure if the OJB configuration attempts to pool the connections
again or not. In etc/db-obj/, it enables a pooled connection
manager. In addition, etc/db-obj/repository_database.xml also contains a
connection pool definition, (it even has an unused validationQuery

I think OJB should be configured to not pool and let the JNDI connection
source do it. No need to double pool! Plus, execution of the validationQuery
is bad enoough... I do not think it would be efficient to have both pools
executing validation queries!

Got to figure this stuff out... perhaps DLS could shed some light here?


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott T. Weaver
To: Randy Watler
Sent: 10/22/04 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: MS SQL Server/JTDS Driver DB Connectivity

Let me check and see if anyone has had these issuses.  How is the pool 

Randy Watler wrote:

> Scott,
> I have been reasearching DB connectivity issues we have seen on our 
> production box. The problem is rare, but occasionally the DB simply 
> resets a connection in the pool.
> The JTDS driver I think we are both using does not seem to have any 
> way to specify "autoReconnect", (something that other drivers allow). 
> From what I have gathered today, many seem to use a "validationQuery" 
> that is run before a connection is handed to the application from the 
> connection pool. For instance, this validation query could be defined 
> in jetspeed.xml for the JNDI connection pool resource configuration: 
> Personally, I think this is overkill when a simple retry try/catch 
> could be implemented in the driver, but JTDS's opinion is that it is 
> not their problem.
> This issue seems to come up only with MS SQL Server and certain 
> drivers, so I was wondering what you were doing, (or planned to do), 
> in your production environment.
> Thanks in advance for any tips you can provide...
> Randy

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