
I just noticed that PortletPage was missing from the version in cvs as
Is this gone for good or is the interface being redefined. I would think
it may be fairly crucial at times for a Portlet to know about the
page(s) that it 
is on for a particular user. If you leave it up to the container to deal
with what
a page is and how a Portlet can get at that page then moving Portlets
from one vendors
implementation to another can become problematic and make the portlet
not as portable as
it should be. 

Rob Dingwell

Robert Dingwell wrote:
> Hi,
> Are the javadocs in the proposal directory for the new Portlet API
> out of synch with the actual API. Looking at the docs I downloaded
> with the portlet_api branch at least Portlet.java is not the same.
> Instead of the beginSession(PortletSession) and
> endSession(PortletSession)
> methods in the docs the java file has login(PortletRequest) and
> logout(PortletRequest). I can just regenerate the docs myself so it's
> not that big of a deal, just curious as to what the end implementation
> is
> going to be, the one in the docs or the current one that's there. Also
> does anyone know if this is the only file out of synch with the docs or
> have more of them been changed.
> Thanks
> Rob Dingwell
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