Hi all,

I'm in really big trouble with my DB2-Jetspeed integration. 
Like a said in my previous thread there are some problems using the 
turbine-db2.sql und populate-db2.sql scripts for the creation of a 
jetspeed db2 database.
Could anyone tell me, if he ran into similar problems when integrating DB2 
and Jetspeed? The provided scripts seem totally wrong! 
The error I got before was just because of the ";" in the scripts. After I 
deleted the ";" I was able to create the tables. But the next problem was 
not far away... The populate-db2.sql script seems as faulty as the 
turbine-db2.sql script. For example it tries to insert values into the 
user_id colums although this is permitted  by db2 (just because the 
id'sare generated automatically using the GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY 
statement). There is also an error when inserting the long value into the 
blob colum for the user infos.
Did I download the wrong version of jetspeed (1.4b1) or did I make a wrong 
db2 configuration?

This is going to make me mad, so I would be very  grateful if someone 
could help me

Best regards,

Philipp Schöpf
IBM e-business Innovation Center
Alter Wandrahm 10, 20457 Hamburg
Fon: +49 (0)40/41912-461
Web: http://www.ibm.com/services/de/innovation

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